9.4.6 contains a number of reports-related improvements and bug fixes:
- Charts adds PowerPoint download type for vertical stacked bar charts, horizontal stacked bar charts, and donut charts
- Crosstab now better supports tables in a loop or block
- Deliverables sees performance improvement; specifically for surveys with large amounts of saved deliverables
- Response report columns can now sort both ID and Description views
Additional bug fixes of mention:
- Better handling of special characters in user names
- Better handling of option decorators in inline translations & IntelliBuilder
- Switching to “Source View” in IB fixed to allow other users to continue to edit widgets
IntelliBuilder & Translations in-line editing
We’ve seen many changes to the in-line editing, which carry through to both IntelliBuilder and translations:
Better handling of uneditable resources, including not permitting removal of resources
New: option data will be editable in IB or in-line translations only if it ends in “_text”
Other bug fixes & improvements
Reporting continues to see bug fixes and improvements:
New: Vertical bar charts are exportable into PPT files
Refinements to crosstab row selection behavior
Crossed/nested quota caps of “0” now properly display
Reports received quite a bit of attention, both with bug fixes and improvements:
- Charts sees a new ‘table view’ for crossed charts, and a bug fix for word cloud chart types.
- Frequency Reports now properly display if including looped open-end numeric questions & better display tables with numerous wordy columns
- Crosstabs can utilize both types of datacut groupings now and “Show only summary tables” will now show individual tables if they don’t have a summary table available.
- Fixed bugs associated with Saved Reports URLs; links should now properly route to the expected report
- Reporting only variables in a block now appropriately get the rollup / parent table
Performance Issues
Improvements to speed and performance in various applets, including Fielding Metrics and IntelliBuilder
Other improvements & bug fixes
'Download to Word' produces a Word document based on the most recently translated version.
Crosstab bug fixes
A handful of bug fixes and improvements were introduced to Crosstabs:
- Metrics are now included in downloads
- Text tables (non-numeric) are now not displayed in field picker
- Better rendering of question text, specifically with question text containing HTML or colons
- Better handling of “all row” selection and table selection in field picker
Other improvements and bug fixes
- New to Charts: visualize tables with a vertical stacked bar chart!
- Testmode’s “+” icon to create a new record fixed
- Users may now add records to a contact list after sending a batch without issues to later batches
- Verticalized (Tableau) exports will now utilize the desc tag and include checkbox table’s row text
- Randomized lists will now properly anchor other/exclusive options
New charts types!
Charts (released in 9.4.0) now include additional ways to visualize survey results. Easily display data with vertical bar charts, donut charts, and word clouds.
Additional reporting fixes
- Response Reports are able to be sorted by column; simply click the column header to sort
- Exports default to "Completes Only" rather than "All Responses"
- Field Picker lozenges display individually (rather than being rolled up)
- 'Weights' in Charts have been updated to not be selected by default
- Frequency Report PDF download sees improvements
More bug fixes and improvements
- Previously, in translated surveys, language selection was ignored if a respondent revisited the vendor invite link. Now, when using the language picker widget, respondents’ selections are maintained
- Permissions for resending user invitations for unconfirmed or inactive users have been adjusted
- In IntelliBuilder, columns: 0 is no longer a valid property
Frequency Report bugs
- HTML formatting in table options resulted in blank frequency report for that option; fixed
- 'autotranslate: y' was leading to failed report builds if report included open ended questions; fixed.
Template improvements and bug fixes
- Carousel questions now support headings
- A specific bug including singlepage surveys & tables with maxchecked defined from a previous question's value resulted in unenforceable validation is now resolved
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