When a panel is added to a survey via the Panels applet, an info icon appears next to the panel name if it has a programming note. This article explains how to address a couple of the most common programming notes.
Someone experienced with entry links and redirects should thoroughly test the panel invite links to ensure the test ID fills all necessary variables and redirects successfully with the appropriate status to the panel vendor.
Updating redirects example
In the example below, Panel Europe has a note mentioning that a "status key" needs updating in the passkey
parameter for each redirect on file. You should ask the panel vendor for the status keys or locate them within the project-specific redirects sent via email. Follow the steps below for more information.
1. Panel Europe is added to the survey, and it has the following programming note.
2. Click on the Global Redirects button to view the redirects on file. Find the Complete redirect link below and locate the passkey
parameter and placeholder.
3. Replace everything after the '=' until the next parameter which begins with '&' with the new status key 'afh23r8afhasdf8a9'.
4. Make the necessary adjustments to the remaining redirects and click Save Changes.
5. Finally, confirm with the SP if there are any edits needed to the survey source for this particular panel. If yes, then ask the SP to confirm once the edits are in place and to publish the source.
Adding a library include example
In the example below, Panel Americas uses signed end links for security purposes, and a special API has been created for them on the server. A library include
should be placed in the survey source code to incorporate the API code into the survey. Partner with a Survey Programmer (SP) for implementation.
The SP places this include
exactly as it is written at the top of the survey source, after the set defaults
widget. The SP saves the edits and publishes the survey.
Once the SP confirms everything is in place, thoroughly test the panel's entry link and confirm the redirects send the appropriate status to the panel vendor.
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