The Testmode toolbar is a suite of advanced testing tools.
To access Testmode, go to Build > Testing > Test Survey in your survey's navigation menu. You must have a survey role of Panel Coordinator, Panel Field Manager, Researcher, Fielder, or Maker to access this applet.
For a brief overview of using Testmode tools in IS Pro, see the following video.
Running a survey in "Testmode" allows users to perform "power testing" before launching to live respondents.
- Testmode offers tools for easy navigation, such as displaying question numbers, back buttons, and the ability to jump directly to specific sections.
- Stored values for respondent-facing questions and hidden variables are shown in the Testmode window, eliminating the need to compare the data with reports and exports.
- Records can be cloned for efficient testing of multiple paths.
- Data generated in Testmode is excluded from reports during the Field stage.
- Testers with appropriate permissions can view SPL and warnings while testing, allowing them to review and verify the code.
- Tester feedback can be submitted directly on each page as needed.
- When Testmode is launched, a test ID is generated by default. If needed, you can specify a unique respondent ID for a test record by editing the URL.
- If additional languages are available, you can switch between them and test them on screen.
- Depending on your survey role, you may only have permission to test the Published version of the survey.
- When testing questions with alternate labels, the label will be shown in parentheses next to the question ID in the Survey Questions search menu and System Data.
Tip! If you would like to read about other simpler testing options that do not require a login, or learn about the system variable testmode
, see Test levels and 'testmode'.
Selecting languages
If translations exist for the survey, a dropdown menu listing all survey languages appears beneath the search field. If the translation has not been uploaded yet, only the primary language is displayed in testing.
Testing draft or published versions
Certain survey roles — Makers and those with IntelliBuilder Editor and View Draft Links add-on roles — can view Draft versions of the survey in Testmode. Other survey roles can only view the latest Published version. If applicable, a dropdown will appear in the toolbar, allowing you to switch between versions.
Showing SPL and warnings
Your survey's source code (SPL) and warnings are hidden by default. However, if you have a Maker survey role of Maker, you can view the code for the question(s) displayed on each survey page by clicking the Show SPL toggle.
Turning this option on will also highlight any errors found in the code with a "CAUTION" or "WARNING" symbol placed beneath the question. If a question is flagged, the programmer should review the code and attempt to resolve the issue.
Viewing and editing record data
In Testmode you can review a test record's full dataset and edit the saved values (answers) for questions or variables.
To change a question's answer, click the View Data icon to launch the Record data modal. Click inside the light blue cell for the question you want to edit, select/input the new answer(s), and click outside the cell to automatically save your changes.
Viewing feedback log
The Leave tester feedback link allows testers to submit feedback that is compiled in the Feedback Log. If there is an unresolved comment, an orange circle appears next to the View Feedback button, indicating the number of unresolved comments. Click the button to review comments in the log.
To resolve a comment, click on the "Unresolved" text, and it will switch to "Resolved." If you click this by accident, you can easily revert it by clicking a second time.
Additional testing information
At the bottom of the toolbar, you'll find several expandable sections with additional information. Sections will expand automatically as relevant information is available on a page, such as termination logic being present for a question.
Notes From Programmer
Survey Programmers (SPs) often use the testnote
tag to create notes for testers. If there is a note for the survey page you are viewing, it will be displayed. Once you advance past the page, the note will be removed.
Termination Logic
If a term if
tag or term
decorator is found in the SPL, the termination logic will be displayed.
New Values
When a page is submitted, any hidden variables on it (e.g., quotas or variables using selectby
) will be displayed here to show you what value(s) were stored based on your answer.
Other Published/Draft Survey Links
There are four sets of links available to share for testing either the latest draft or published version of the survey. These links can also be found in the Survey Links applet. Note that draft testing links can only be accessed by Makers and those with IntelliBuilder Editor and View Draft Links add-on roles.
- Testmode link: This is the Testmode link and toolbar. A login is required, and the data is stored as test data.
- No-Login Link: Question numbers are not displayed. No login is required, and the data is stored as test data.
- No-Login Link (QIDs): Question numbers are displayed. No login is required, and the data is stored as test data.
- Live Link: This link is identical to the No-Login Link on screen; however, the data is stored as real respondent data.
Links can either be opened in another tab, copied for sharing, or tested with a mobile device with a QR code.
Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Running surveys in Testmode.
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