The [value]
placeholder allows for the substitution of a variable name in a logic statement.
FAIR. What price would you consider to be a fair price for this item?
type: integer
prefix: $
range: >=1
EXPENSIVE. What price would you consider to be expensive, but would still consider buying?
type: integer
prefix: $
validation: [value] > $QFAIR {message: Please enter an amount greater than the fair price, $QFAIR}
In the example above, the validation is ensuring that the amount entered at QEXPENSIVE is greater than the amount entered at QFAIR.
Additional examples
Using '[value]' with the 'showif' tag
In this case the [value]
placeholder is used within the showif
tag to take the place of the question label for QNPS.
NPS. Please rate your experience with this product.
type: radio
series: 0..10
hscale: y
headings: Terrible, Excellent
why: Why did you give this product such a low rating? {showif: anyChecked([value],1,2)}
why: Why did you give this product such a high rating? {showif: anyChecked([value],9,10)}
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