The Charts applet allows you to visualize your survey data with graphs.
To access the Charts applet, go to Analyze > Charts in the Survey Navigation menu. The Fields tab on the left side of the screen displays a complete list of survey fields. After saving charts, you can conveniently access them using the Saved Charts tab.
Tip! Anyone with a survey role of Panel Field Manager or greater can access Charts. Anyone with access to Charts can see all saved charts from all survey users, regardless of organization/email domain.
Chart types
Charts can be created for both open-ended and close-ended questions and variables. Open-ended questions are displayed as word clouds. For close-ended questions, available chart types vary depending on the question type and can be selected from the Chart Type dropdown. Options include horizontal bar, vertical bar, donut, horizontal stacked bar, vertical stacked bar, and table view.
The bars display percentages. Hover your mouse over a bar to see the number of respondents who selected that option. Each bar's label corresponds to the option text for that option ID in the survey's code.
All charts default to showing the question text as the title. You can add the desc
tag to a question to provide an alternative text to display instead.
Word clouds
Word clouds are a visual way of depicting information that, by nature, cannot be easily quantified. The more times a single word is captured, the bigger it appears in the tile. Over the course of fielding, the word cloud will display the most commonly entered words, with the most common appearing the largest.
Punctuation or spaces will split words. While known acronyms maintain capitalization, all other words are displayed in lowercase.
Tip! "Stop words" and personal identifiable information such as email addresses, telephone numbers, and any text field with encrypt: y
on it, will not appear in the cloud.
Individual questions and variables
An example of the most common chart generated based on a radio question is below. The chart can be switched to a vertical bar or donut chart by clicking the Chart Type button.
Tables, loops, and blocks
Tables, loops, and blocks can be displayed in two different ways. This is directly related to how the data is stored in the system. We can look at an overall summary or at the individual questions.
The table's rows, or each iteration of a question in a block or loop, are graphed as individual questions, as shown in the previous example.
Summary chart
The chart below is a 100% stacked bar chart summarizing a radio table. All table rows are included, and each answer option is displayed within the horizontal bars. You can switch the bars from horizontal to vertical or view the data in a table by clicking the Chart Type button.
Cross Field chart
Charts usually visualize data from a single question or related questions like tables, loops, or blocks. To see how one question (or variable) interacts with another, use the Cross Field dropdown in the Chart Editor. Cross Field charts can also be displayed as tables if needed.
Customizing with the Charts Editor
The chart customization button expands the Chart Editor, a modified version of the Report Builder found in all reporting applets. Use the filters to create a chart focused on the specific data you need.
Once you check Data Cut, you can select previously created data cuts from a dropdown list to apply to charts. To create a new data cut, click the wrench icon to open the Expression Builder.
Similarly, when you select Weights, you can apply weights uploaded in the Weights applet to the data.
Version Notice: This article covers features debuted in our r9/IS Pro platform. Additional features are still to come. Please revisit this article in the near future to see the latest developments.
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