Much like a table of contents, chapters organize a survey into sections by grouping questions and variables by chapter in the reporting field tree.
define chapters
S. Screener
M. Main
start group: SCREENER
chapter: S
S1. To begin, please select your gender.
type: radio
1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-Binary
97. <i>Prefer not to answer</i>
S2. Please enter your age.
type: integer
range: 0-120
end group: SCREENER
start group: MAIN
chapter: M
1. The following survey is about computers. Are you willing to participate in our survey today?
type: radio
1. Yes
2. No
end group: MAIN
In the example above, QS1 and QS2 will be grouped together in the chapter labeled "Screener" while Q1 will be placed in a chapter called "Main" when looking at the reports.
- Chapters are created in two ways — globally, using
define chapters
in conjunction with thechapter
tag, and locally, using just thechapter
tag attached directly to a widget. - Chapter names must begin with an alpha character, but alphanumerical combinations and underscores are allowed (e.g.,
A1. Section A
orA_1. Section A
- Chapter names are case sensitive.
- Globally defined and locally defined chapters may be used together in the same survey.
- If globally defined and locally chapters are used together, globally defined chapters will be listed first in the reporting field tree.
- Questions not located in a user-defined chapter will be placed in the next available position in the Survey fields chapter.
- For a list of chapters automatically created for each survey, see Default chapters.
Differences between globally defined and locally defined chapters
Feature | Globally defined | Locally defined |
define chapters |
Must be included at the top of the survey source. | Not used. |
description | Must be included with the chapter label. | Optional, but may be included if desired. |
sub-chapters | Created in the define chapters widget. |
Can only be created if a new, unique chapter label is defined and nested within a start group widget. |
Roman numerals | Will automatically create sub-chapters. | Will not automatically create sub-chapters. |
Additional examples
Locally defined chapters with and without descriptions
In the following example, QD1 is creating a new chapter which will be seen in the reports as "DEMO". QD2 is also creating a new chapter which will be seen in the reports with the label "Additional demographics".
D1. Please enter your ZIP code below.
chapter: DEMO
type: uszip5
D2. How would you describe the area in which you live?
chapter: DEMO2. Additional demographics
type: radio
1. Urban
2. Suburban
3. Rural
Creating sub-chapters at the global level
Sub-chapters can be created within the original define chapters
widget, or separately in a follow up widget with the parent
The following two examples are equivalent and will create the same reporting structure. QD1 will be located in the chapter labeled "Screener" and QD2 will be in the sub-chapter labeled "Screener subsection".
Using the original define chapters
define chapters
S. Screener
S1. Screener subsection
M. Main survey
S1. To begin, please select your gender.
chapter: S
type: radio
1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-Binary
97. <i>Prefer not to answer</i>
S2. Please enter your age.
chapter: S1
type: integer
range: 0-120
Using the parent
define chapters
S. Screener
M. Main survey
define chapters
parent: S
S1. Screener subsection
S1. To begin, please select your gender.
chapter: S
type: radio
1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-Binary
97. <i>Prefer not to answer</i>
S2. Please enter your age.
chapter: S1
type: integer
range: 0-120
Creating sub-chapters at the local level
In the following example, QD1 will be seen in the reports in the chapter labeled "DEMO", while QD2 will be seen in a sub-chapter of "DEMO" labeled "DEMO1".
start group: DEMOGRAPHICS
chapter: DEMO
D1. Please enter your ZIP code below.
type: uszip5
D2. How would you describe the area in which you live?
chapter: DEMO1
type: radio
1. Urban
2. Suburban
3. Rural
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