12/15/2023 - Transitioning to r9/IS Pro
Curious about how the user experience will change for you by switching to IntelliSurvey's r9/IS Pro software release? We suggest taking a look at our Transitioning from r8 to r9/IS Pro article. This article, with included video, highlights some of the major changes in layout, look, and features that we've debuted thus far in r9. If your team is unsure whether or not to make the move to IS Pro just yet, this article will help you familiarize yourself with some of the bigger changes we've implemented.
And don't worry, we'll be implementing additional features in early 2024, so stay tuned for additional announcements.
11/30/2023 - r9 documentation is now live!
We are excited to announce that documentation on our new r9/IS Pro software release is now live! Since many of our users our still using the r8 software, to help differentiate our IS Pro articles from r8, you should see "(r9)" in the title. If you're using our keyword search, these articles can also be found using search terms such as "r9," "ispro," or "IS Pro."
If you accidentally open an r9/IS Pro article and realize that you actually need the r8 article on that topic, note that we've added version notices at the top of the IS Pro articles linking to the r8 versions. The notice will look something like this:
Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see <r8 version of article>.
Now that IS Pro is out of beta testing, you can expect additional documentation on the various features in IS Pro to be released in the near future. Our Development team is hard at work on reintroducing updated versions of r8's functionality, plus new features as well, so as those features come out, we'll be releasing additional documentation, or updating existing r9/IS Pro articles, to cover this information.
Note we are also planning to release videos on using IS Pro to help you acclimate to the new software. While we feel that IS Pro should be more intuitive and easier to use than r8, we understand that sometimes a quick video can be easier to learn from than reading. In the meanwhile, if you're still using r8, we suggest checking out (and bookmarking/following) our growing r8 video repository.
And if you have any questions about r9 features that we haven't released documentation on yet, feel free to
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