Frequency reports provide the statistical frequency values for survey data in counts and percentages.
To access the Frequency Reports applet, go to Analyze > Reports > Frequency in the Survey Navigation menu.
Creating a Frequency report
To create a new report, use the Report Builder tool on the right side of the screen. Customize your report by selecting respondent statuses, applying filters, and choosing the relevant survey fields to focus on the specific data you need.
If you check Data Cut, you can select previously created data cuts from a dropdown list to apply to the report. To create a new data cut, click the wrench icon to open the Expression Builder.
You can configure the report to use fields and option data from either the Draft or the most recent Published version of the survey by selecting the appropriate option with the Question set dropdown.
The report displays the survey fields in the order they are selected, but you can drag and drop the selected fields to be reordered at any time.
Lastly, you can choose whether all summary tables display percents or counts by default by clicking the toggle. You can adjust this setting for individual summary tables using the local percent/count toggle as needed.
Frequency table types
The frequency table layout and information displayed depend on the question type. All tables show the number of respondents (N) who answered the question. If applicable, the count of respondents who chose a decline-to-answer (DTA) option is also displayed. Note that N does not include the DTA selections, and vice versa.
If any nets and metrics are programmed in the source code, they will be appended to the frequency table.
Individual questions and variables
An example of the most common frequency table generated based on a radio question is below. This frequency table is the same for checkbox questions.
Text and textbox questions
For text questions and textbox questions, a View Responses link is provided instead of a data table. Click this link to open a Response report which provides the individual answers given.
Number and integer questions
Running a frequency report on numeric input questions gives you a set of aggregate statistics as well as a View Responses link.
Summary tables
Tables, loops, blocks, MaxDiffs, and ranking questions are displayed in a summary table. Summary tables aggregate data from each iteration of a question within a block or loop, as well as from each row in a table or rank question. A Frequency report for a typical radio table is below.
Checkbox tables are similar to radio tables, but also include data to compare N seen vs. N responses.
- N seen is the number of respondents who saw that specific row/column of the table.
- N responses is the number of respondents who answered that specific row/column.
- Avg # checked is the average number of selections made for that row/column.
Note: Percentages shown are calculated using the N seen value.
Editing a saved report
Editing a saved report is similar to creating a new one. If the saved report is not open, find it in the Deliverables applet and double-click to open it. Make your changes in the Report Builder as needed.
Once the changes have been applied, the Save button will become active and include a dropdown menu. You can either overwrite the previous report by selecting Save Changes or create a new report by selecting Save As New.
Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Frequency report.
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