Dummy Data automatically generates survey records, populating all applicable survey fields.
Tip! Dummy Data runs while your browser tab is in focus. If you minimize the browser or click in another tab, the Dummy Data process will pause.
Dummy Data overview
To create dummy data, go to Build > Testing > Dummy Data in the survey's left navigation menu.
This control pane is where you can define and manipulate the data you generate. The fields and controls in this pane are described below.
Field | Description |
Survey ID | The survey ID (SID) of the current project. |
Draft/Published | The toggle to switch the survey version generating data in the Dummy Data tool. The choices are the most recent saved Draft or the last Published version. |
Count | The number of test records that should be generated. |
Copy from ID |
Survey data is copied from the specified respondent ID rather than randomly generated. Copy from ID uses all data present in the record ID specified. If you only want to copy the data from the screener section of a specified ID, you must use an ID (or create a new one) that has no other data after the screener. Then, enter that record's ID in the Copy from ID box. Testers can then use these records to manually test the remaining survey paths. |
Run up through question |
A type-to-filter pulldown menu of survey fields; if an option is selected, Dummy Data will answer questions up through the question specified. This is often paired with Enter custom data. Testers can then use these records to manually test the remaining survey paths. |
Go | Starts test data or continues the current session if it has been stopped. |
Stop | Pauses the test data session. |
Restart | After a session is complete, this will start generating additional dummy data. Unless changed, it will run the previously specified parameters and count. |
Show IDs created |
Displays the IDs created from the most recent Dummy Data session in a pop-up/modal. This button appears once the Dummy Data session has started. |
Avoid simple terms |
This function automatically creates custom rules based on simple termination points found within the survey, allowing Dummy Data to bypass them. |
Enter custom data |
This feature allows testers to input custom data rules for individual questions and tables, instead of relying on Dummy Data to generate random answers. This is useful for bypassing complex termination points and validation rules. |
Singlepage | Checked by default, Dummy Data will use singlepage mode for the survey. |
Help |
Opens documentation on the Dummy Data feature. |
Tip! All test data generated with Dummy Data will have the naming convention TEST40001, where the record ID will increment by 1 with each new Dummy Data record generated
Enter custom data
Custom data lets testers create customized rules which tell Dummy Data to allow or prohibit specific answers for questions. These rules can range from simple to complex. If the Avoid simple terms button is active, the Enter custom data button will display a green checkmark, indicating that logic has already been generated to help bypass the simple termination points. You can then manually add more complex rules for termination points, quotas, or questions with validations as needed.
Note: There are no validations or checks on custom data. Invalid fields and options are simply ignored. At times, Dummy Data can get stuck when questions are not properly answered.
Custom data syntax
There are a few different ways to specify the values that Dummy Data should use. Different techniques apply to different field types.
In the descriptions below, please assume that "select option" can also mean "fill response" when open end responses are applicable.
Syntax | Description | Single Select | Multi-Select | Numeric Open End | Free Text Open End |
Q1=5 | Select option ID 5. | ||||
Q1__loop__2=5 | Select option ID 5 in the second iteration of a loop. | ||||
Q1=gt(5) | Select an option with an ID greater than 5. | ||||
Q1=ge(5) | Select an option with an ID greater than or equal to 5. | ||||
Q1=lt(5) | Select an option with an ID less than 5. | ||||
Q1=le(5) | Select an option with an ID less than or equal to 5. | ||||
Q1=ne(5) | Select any option ID not equal to 5. | ||||
Q1=or(4,5) | Select either option 4 or 5. | ||||
Q1=[1,2,3] | Select options 1, 2, and 3. | ||||
Q1=or([1,2,3],5) | Select options 1, 2, and 3, OR select only option 5. | ||||
Q1='Orangutan' | Fill response with text 'Orangutan'. | ||||
Q1=exclude(1,2) | Exclude option IDs 1 and 2. | ||||
Q1=must_have(1,4,5) | Select all options out of the IDs specified – 1, 4, and 5. | ||||
Q1=must_have_one_of(1,4,5) | Select a single option out of the IDs specified – 1, 4, and 5. | ||||
Q1=no_conflict(1,2) | Do not select options specified at the same time. | ||||
Q1=min_checked(3) | Select at least 3 options. | ||||
Q1=max_checked(7) | Select at most 7 options. | ||||
Tables | |||||
T1=n_rows_have(2,1) | Table 1 should have at least two rows with option 1 selected. | ||||
T1=n_rows_have(4,[1,2,3]) | Table 1 should have at least four rows with options 1, 2, and 3 selected. Other options may also be additionally selected. Exclusive options are avoided. |
Once you have added all values you wish to set, click Set Data, then Go to run dummy data with the added values. To clear custom data, re-click Enter custom data and select Clear Data.
Show IDs created
After a Dummy Data session has begun, a button for Shows IDs created appears. This will show only the test records created in the current Dummy Data session. Click the Shows IDs created button to display the IDs created. You can then copy the IDs and continue manually testing if needed.
Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Dummy Data.
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