Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Deliverables.
The Deliverables applet provides a central location to manage saved reports and exports.
Deliverables come in three formats:
Reports are Frequency, Response, or Crosstab reports saved on the IntelliSurvey platform.
- Exports are downloadable files for use in other software, such as Excel or SPSS.
- Digests are a set of deliverables you can download as a single Excel workbook.
Click the Add / Remove Columns button to customize which columns are shown in the list of deliverables.
Deliverables created while the survey is in Draft mode are not viewable by users that do not have access to Draft mode test links, and new users cannot be added once permissions are set.
Users can schedule email updates for individual reports or exports via the Schedule Email tool. If multiple reports require email sends for your survey, we suggest creating a digest so that you can send them together in a single email.
Emailed deliverables will contain the latest data as of the time the email is sent. Exports will automatically be rerun before being emailed.
Re-running exports
Unlike reports, exports are not updated automatically as the survey collects data.
Select the Re-run option in the Actions menu to update an export with the latest survey data. When the system has finished re-running the export, a download will automatically begin.
Large exports could take several minutes to process. You may safely leave the Deliverables applet and let the process continue. You will receive an email with a download link when the export is ready.
Creating digests
Digests are a set of deliverables bundled in a single Excel workbook. Digests can consist of both reports and exports. Exports must be the Excel file type to be included in digests. Crosstabs are inserted in digests as a single sheet.
To download a digest, click on it once to select it, then select Download from the Actions menu.
To edit a digest,
Create Digest screen, then modify the details as needed.Tip! When granting user access to a digest, make sure the users have access to the individual deliverables contained in the digest.
Access levels
The Access column in the list of deliverables provides the following information, as determined by the User Access settings:
- Restricted – Only users in the creator's organization have access.
- Limited – Some users outside the creator's organization have access, but not all users.
- All – All users with access to this survey's Deliverables applet have access.
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