Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Survey roles and rights.
What is a survey role?
A survey role grants the ability to perform specific actions within a particular survey.
At IntelliSurvey, we follow the "principle of least privilege." This means granting users the minimum role necessary to perform their survey functions. While it may be tempting to give advanced survey roles to everyone, this approach can be risky. Take a moment to choose the correct role for each survey user.
Tip! Can't tell a role from a right? See the quick guide to user security.
Standard survey roles
The platform has a predefined set of survey roles with varying levels of "power." The most commonly assigned roles are listed below.
This list highlights key rights but does not cover all of them. To view all survey roles and their associated rights, use the Roles applet, which features an interactive Roles and Rights Matrix.
Survey role | Description of general permissions |
Limited | This role is for viewing previously saved reports and not much else. |
Panel Field Manager (PFMs) | PFMs are similar to Fielders, but with less responsibility and capability. PFMs can view quotas, but cannot manage them. They can view, create, and export reports, but the data is filtered to only show data from their specific panel. PFMs can also conduct advanced testing and approve/expunge their respective panel data. |
Observer |
Observers can be thought of as an "all-access report creator and exporter." They can view, create, and export reports with all respondent data, regardless of its source. Observers cannot approve/expunge respondents, manage quotas, conduct advanced testing, or edit the survey in any way. |
Researcher |
Researchers are typically the research firms. They can create reports, export data, conduct advanced testing, and perform "lite" editing in IntelliBuilder. This role can view and export all respondent data, regardless of its source. Researchers cannot manage quotas or approve/expunge respondents. |
Fielder |
A Fielder is managing "sample" at a high level. This role can view and create reports, manage quotas, export data, approve/expunge respondents, and conduct advanced testing. Fielders view and export all respondent data, regardless of its source. Fielders cannot edit the survey in any way. |
Maker | A Maker (manager) has full access to the survey, including editing the source code, managing all non-encrypted survey data, and managing all users. |
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