Welcome to IntelliSurvey!
This serves as your starting point to familiarize yourself with the IntelliSurvey User Interface (UI). We'll cover essential topics such as setting up your account, logging in, navigating the platform, and locating support.
We've also put together a guide with helpful links organized by the typical survey life-cycle. You can find the quick start guide here.
The following video provides an overview of the content below.
Logging into the platform
To access the IntelliSurvey platform, you need to log in with an email address and a password. IntelliSurvey uses the email address that was registered when the account was created as the username. The password is case-sensitive.
- First, read Logging into IntelliSurvey.
- If you cannot remember your password, read how to reset your password.
We also suggest you bookmark your main login page; for example:
Note, login pages will be unique to the server your projects are hosted on, which vary based on your geographic location and client needs.
Need an account?
If you do not have a registered account yet, another user with the correct permissions can create one for you. Ask an IntelliSurvey onboarding specialist, any IntelliSurvey colleague on your project team, or a Support agent for assistance.
Managing users
If you're responsible for creating new user accounts, read about user accounts administration and the System Users applet where you can view, add, edit, and delete user accounts in the IntelliSurvey platform.
Navigating the UI
Home screen
IntelliSurvey's "Home page" is known as the Survey Navigator, which provides users access to all surveys to which they have access on a given server, plus the ability to create new surveys, access resource files, or handle administrative tasks such as adding new users to the server or editing their user profile.
From here, you'll also have access to the system-level navigation menu on the left-hand side. In the upper-right, there are controls that allow you to open a specific survey via the Open Survey modal, access the documentation, and edit your user profile.
Pinned surveys
In the example above, you can see "favorited" tiles at the top of the screen. When a survey is "pinned," a survey tile is created at the top of the Survey Navigator screen, allowing for quick access to the survey without having to search the Survey Navigator table. Pinning (or "favoriting") a survey can be particularly useful when your team has multiple surveys in progress. Pinned surveys will also be marked with a filled in star next to their Survey IDs in the Survey Navigator table.
Opening a survey
Once you've pinned surveys for quick access, you can easily open them by double-clicking the tile. You can also open a survey directly from the Survey Navigator screen by clicking on the survey ID (name), double-clicking on the survey's row in the grid, or by accessing it through the Open Survey modal.
Fielding Overview
Once your survey is open, your navigation menu on the left will be replaced with applets designed to assist you in building, fielding, and analyzing your project.
Under the Field navigation group, you'll discover the Fielding Overview applet, which provides metrics that are extremely useful for overseeing and managing your project's fieldwork.
Within the Metrics tab, you'll find a summary of survey metrics presented through a banner and tiles. These tiles offer insights into different aspects of the survey's activity and can be customized and rearranged to meet the specific needs of your survey, becoming your "survey dashboard" while the survey is in field.
Finding help
If you ever need a hand, we are here to help. There are multiple ways to seek assistance. First, for more detailed information on a given feature, you can review the documentation on our software in the Help Center. Our "help docs" provide information on how to perform various tasks in our UI and program surveys using our proprietary survey programming language (SPL).
If you need to access our documentation, there are two ways to do so:
- by navigating to our documentation home page at help.intellisurvey.com, or
- by clicking the ? icon in the global header while in our platform.
Read Accessing documentation for an in-depth review of the Help Center. A short video for how to use the Help Center to access documentation and chat with Support can be found here.
While in the Help Center, you can access our support chat via the Help icon at the bottom right of the screen. The chat will allow you to ask questions about documentation, leave a message for Support, or speak directly to a Support agent during our support hours.
Read Contacting Support for more information on chat support.
Lastly, you can email your questions to help@intellisurvey.com. Please include your survey link and all relevant information in the email. Average response time is within an hour during the hours of 9am to 5pm Pacific Time (GMT-7).
Tip! You may need to log in to have full access to help docs and chat support.
Version Notice: This article covers features in our r9/IS Pro platform. If you're looking for information on this topic related to r8, see Getting started on the IntelliSurvey platform.
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