The if over
and if none
tags allow for customizing how quotas route a respondent that does not qualify for any of the quota buckets.
1. Please enter you age below.
type: integer
range: 1-120
AGE. Age quotas
type: quotas
if over: quotafull
if none: nonqual
1. twenties {if $Q1 >= 20 and $Q1 <= 29}
2. thirties {if $Q1 >= 30 and $Q1 <= 39}
3. fourties {if $Q1 >= 40 and $Q1 <= 49}
4. fifties {if $Q1 >= 50 and $Q1 <= 59}
2. What is your ZIP code?
type: uszip5
startgroup: quotafull
condition: never
We're sorry, we have already collected enough responses that are similar to yours.
endgroup: quotafull
startgroup: nonqual
condition: never
We're sorry, you have not qualified to take this survey.
endgroup: nonqual
In the example above, a respondent that does not qualify for any of the quota buckets in QAGE will be routed to the "nonqual" group, and a respondent that only qualifies for buckets that are full will be routed to the "quotafull" group. Neither will see Q2.
if over
defines the point to which the respondent will route if they have an "Over quota" status. -
if none
defines the point to which the respondent will route if they have a "Terminate" status. -
if over
andif none
can be used individually or together. - The point defined in
if over
orif none
can be a label, page label, group name, or 'NEXT.' - 'NEXT' will allow the respondent to continue and complete the survey even if they fail to qualify for a quota.
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