IntelliSurvey returns standard warning, error, and informational messages under various conditions. You can customize these standard messages by using system message tags.
app config message_errintro: We're sorry, but there was an error on the page. Please clear the error before proceeding:
Avoid changing the standard error messages unless there is a special need to do so.
- To use any of the system message tags and overwrite the default message, add the specific tag to the
app config
widget. - Value substitutions in the messages (e.g.,
, etc.) can be used as many times as needed, in any order. This flexibility is particularly useful when translating surveys, as some languages may require a different phrase structure for range values. - System messages are available for translation.
Message value substitution
The syntax for interpolating values in message templates is based on Perl sprintf
positional substitution, which specifies the order of arguments. While the syntax is more limited than the full capabilities of sprintf
, the basic format for specifying position is supported.
Each message template is predefined to accept a specific number of parameters. For example, the message_decimalisin
template takes two parameters:
: Represents the lower limit of the range. -
: Represents the upper limit of the range.
q|Please enter a number that has between %1$ and %2$ decimal places.|
Message tags
As with all tags in our Survey Programming Language (SPL) tag system, system message tags allow mixed casing, spaces, and underscores between words. The tags listed below can be written in multiple acceptable formats.
Message Tag | Description | Default Message |
The attention check variable description. | Attention check for %1$ . |
message AUTO_OTHER |
The autoother variable description. | Auto-other for %1$, %2$ . |
Text entered in autoother box, but corresponding option field has no selection. | Please select the 'other' option if you enter other text. |
Text entered in autoother box, but corresponding option field has no selection. | Please select an answer for your other selection. |
Autoother option is selected, but no response is provided in the text box. | Please enter a response in the text box. |
message BACK |
Back button text value. | << Back |
message BADCODE |
When IDs are enabled, this message displays if a respondent enters an invalid code while logging into the survey. | That survey code is not valid. Please check your entry and try again or contact your survey administrator for assistance. |
message CLSWIN |
Close window button text value. | Close Window |
message CONTINUE |
Continue button text value. | Continue >> |
message DECIMAL_IS_EQ |
Number entered into a text field with a datatype decimal precise value specified does not contain the exact number of decimal places. | Please enter a number with exactly %1$ decimal places. |
message DECIMAL_IS_GTE |
Number entered into a text field with a datatype decimal open range value specified does not contain the exact number of decimal places. | Please enter a number with at least %1$ decimal places. |
message DECIMAL_IS_IN |
Number entered into a text field with a datatype decimal closed range value specified does not contain a number of decimal places within that range. | Please enter a number that has between %1$ and %2$ decimal places. |
message DECIMAL_IS_LTE |
Number entered into a text field with a datatype decimal open range value specified does not contain the exact number of decimal places. | Please enter a number with no more than %1$ decimal places. |
Decline to answer checkbox option text value. | Decline to answer. |
The decline to answer variable description. | Decline to answer for '%1$'. |
Default validation text when decline to answer tag is used. Can also be overwritten using the dtamessagetag . |
Please enter a response or select '%1$'. |
message DONE |
Survey already completed and shows a message to respondent with same respondent ID. | This questionnaire has already been completed using your ID. It may only be completed once by each respondent. |
message ERRINTRO |
Text that appears before any validation message. | We're sorry, but we could not proceed because of the following items: |
Error message that is displayed when a specified number of options is not selected for a question. | Please select exactly %1$ items. |
Confirmation message when feedback modal dialog has been submitted successfully. | Thank you! Your feedback has been recorded. |
Error message that displays when the feedback modal dialog is unable to submit the feedback response. | We haven't been able to save your feedback... Please consider sending an email to |
Feedback modal dialog introduction sentence 1. | Thank you for leaving feedback! |
Feedback modal dialog introduction sentence 2. | What kind of comment will this be? |
message FEEDBACK_PH |
Feedback modal dialog prompt to select a feedback comment type. |
Type of comment |
Feedback modal dialog title. | Comments / Feedback |
message FEEDBACK_WHY1 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 1. | Good news |
message FEEDBACK_WHY2 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 2. | A suggestion for improvement |
message FEEDBACK_WHY3 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 3. | Survey seems stuck |
message FEEDBACK_WHY4 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 4. | Typo or incorrect text |
message FEEDBACK_WHY5 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 5. | Available answers are insufficient |
message FEEDBACK_WHY6 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 6. | Question not relevant to me |
message FEEDBACK_WHY7 |
Feedback modal dialog pulldown option 7. | Other survey problem |
End message for Complete status. | Thank you for completing this questionnaire! Your responses have been recorded. |
End message for Terminated status, including duplicates. | Thank you for your interest in this study. However, the survey is closed and no longer accepting new responses. |
Error message if Canadian (CA) postcode format is incorrect on datatype capostcode. | Please enter a valid postal code. This should be formatted like A1A 1A1. |
Validation message for card sort with too many cards within the target. | Please place at most %1$ card(s) on target %2$. |
Validation message for card sort with too few cards within the target. | Please place at least %1$ card(s) on target %2$. |
message INVALID_DATE |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date in an invalid format. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format. |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date in the correct format, but that date does not exist. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format that is an actual date. |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date in the correct format and within acceptable range, but day specified is not allowed. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format, that is on one of the following days of the week: %2$. |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date that was after the specified end date. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format, that is on or before %2$. |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date that was not within the specified date range. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format, that is between %2$ and %3$, inclusive. |
Error message for date widget; the user enters a date that was before the specified start date. |
Please enter a date in %1$ format, that is on or after %2$. |
Error message for text with datatype: email ; if front-end validation fails, this is the error message displayed after invalid format submitted. |
That does not appear to be a valid email address. |
Error message for text with datatype: integer if non-integer value submitted. |
Please enter a whole number. |
Error message for text with datatype: number if non-numeric value submitted. |
Please enter a number. |
Error message for text with datatype: phone if invalid format submitted. |
Please enter a valid 10 digit phone number. |
Error message for text with datatype: ukpostcode if invalid format submitted. |
Please enter a valid postcode. |
Error message for text with datatype: usstatecode if invalid format submitted. |
Please enter a valid two letter US state abbreviation. |
message INVALID_WORD |
Error message for text with datatype: word if invalid format submitted. |
This field must not contain any spaces or special characters. |
message INVALID_ZIP5 |
Error message for text with datatype: zip5 if invalid format submitted. |
Please enter a 5-digit ZIP code. |
message JS_REQUIRED |
Javascript is required in most of our surveys. If the survey detects that a respondent has disabled Javascript, it will notify them of this using this message. | Javascript is required for this survey, but seems to be disabled in your browser. Please enable javascript and then refresh this page to continue. |
message LOCKOUT |
Message to display to respondents if it has been specified not to allow respondents to return and finish a survey after leaving it. | We're sorry, but the study sponsor asked us to ensure that we not allow respondents who left the survey before finishing to return. |
message LOGIN_INTRO |
When IDs are enabled, this message appears along with the ID entry textbox. | This survey requires a passcode to begin. Please enter the code given to you by your survey administrator. |
message MAX_CHECKED |
Validation message used with the maxchecked tag. |
Please make no more than %1$ selections. |
Maxdiff "Least" column header. | Least |
message MAXDIFF_MOST |
Maxdiff "Most" column header. | Most |
Maxdiff validation message when respondent chooses the same item in the most and least columns. | Please make one unique selection in each column. |
message MIN_CHECKED |
Validation message used with the minchecked tag. |
Please select at least %1$ items. |
message MIN_LEN |
Validation message used with the minlen tag. |
Please be more specific. |
message OVERCAP |
Message to display to respondents when a survey's totcap quota is met or exceeded. | Thanks for visiting! The survey is currently full. Please check back in a little while. |
message PROGRESS |
Progress bar label. | Progress: |
Validation message used with the range tag when the respondent enters a value outside of the range specified. |
Please select between %1$ and %2$ items. |
message RANGE_IS_GT |
Validation message used with the range tag when a respondent enters a value less than the specified value. |
Please enter a number greater than %1$. |
message RANGE_IS_GTE |
Validation message used with the range tag when a respondent enters a value less than the specified value. |
Please enter a number greater than or equal to %1$. |
message RANGE_IS_IN |
Validation message used with the range tag when a respondent enters a value that is not between the specified lower and upper limits of a range. |
Please enter a number between %1$ and %2$. |
message RANGE_IS_LT |
Validation message used with the range tag when a respondent enters a value greater than the specified value. |
Please enter a number less than %1$. |
message RANGE_IS_LTE |
Validation message used with the range tag when a respondent enters a value greater than the specified value. |
Please enter a number less than or equal to %1$. |
message RANK_IS_EQ |
For rank widget's rank tag using static value validation failure message. |
Please rank %1$ items. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message RANK_IS_GT |
For rank widget's rank tag using ">" operator validation failure message. |
Please rank more than %1$ items. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message RANK_IS_GTE |
For rank widget's rank tag using ">=" operator validation failure message. |
Please rank %1$ items or more. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message RANK_IS_IN |
For rank widget's rank tag using defined upper and lower bounds validation failure message. |
Please rank between %1$ and %2$ items. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message RANK_IS_LT |
For rank widget's rank tag using "<" operator validation failure message. |
Please rank fewer than %1$ items. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message RANK_IS_LTE |
For rank widget's rank tag using "<=" operator validation failure message. |
Please rank %1$ items or fewer. Please begin with 1, and continue sequentially (e.g., 2, 3, 4). |
message REQDFIELD |
Error message if required field is skipped. | Required fields are missing. Please make sure that you have completed all fields that are marked with a {[icon]}. |
message SCROLL_WARN |
When content stretches beyond the viewport of a mobile device, the scroll warning message is displayed to alert the mobile user to scroll to see more of the content. | Scroll for more. |
message SCT_IS_EQ |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that does not equal the specified value. |
Please ensure that your total is %1$. |
message SCT_IS_GT |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that is less than the specified value. |
Please ensure that your total is greater than %1$. |
message SCT_IS_GTE |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that is less than the specified value. |
Please ensure that your total is at least %1$. |
message SCT_IS_IN |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that is not between the specified lower and upper limits of accepted values. |
Please ensure that your total is between %1$ and %2$. |
message SCT_IS_LT |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that is greater than the specified value. |
Please ensure that your total is less than %1$. |
message SCT_IS_LTE |
Validation message when using show column total and the respondent enters a value that is greater than the specified value. |
Please ensure that your total is no more than %1$. |
message SHOW_COL_TOTAL |
The row label for when show column total is used in a table. |
Total |
Displayed when survey stage is set to soft or hard shutdown. | We appreciate your interest, but this survey has been completed. We are no longer taking new responses. |
message START_SVY |
When IDs are enabled, the submit button value beneath the ID entry textbox. | Start Survey >> |
message SYSERROR |
Message to display to respondents when a system error has occurred. | We're sorry, a system error occurred. The system notified us of this error and we are working to resolve the issue. Please retry your request in a moment or contact your survey administrator using this link: %1$ |
Message to display to respondents if the incorrect file type has been used for an uploaded file. | 'Unacceptable file type. File type must match %1$.' |
Message to display to respondents if a file was uploaded but the file type could not be determined by the system. | 'Cannot determine file type. File type must match %1$.' |
message WARNMSNG |
Message to display with required: w . |
You skipped the questions marked with a {[icon]}. Please complete them if possible, or click continue to proceed. |
max cap message |
Message to display to respondents when a survey's max capacity is exceeded. | Thanks for visiting! The survey is currently full. Please check back in a little while. |
total cap message |
Message to display to respondents when a survey's Total Cap quota is met or exceeded. | Thanks for visiting! The survey is currently full. Please check back in a little while. |
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