Use newpage
to manually insert page breaks between survey content. If a page has no visible content, it will automatically submit, preventing a blank page from displaying to respondents.
S1. To begin, please select your gender...
type: radio
1. Male
2. Female
3. Non-Binary
S2. To begin, please enter your age.
type: integer
range: 0-120
Note: By default, surveys have autopage
enabled, which inserts page breaks automatically. newpage
is not necessary in most common use cases.
can accept a label which can be used with deferred terminations, deferred quota routing, or general respondent routing with goto
deferred term: main_intro
1. Have you participated in any research on household pets in the past year?
type: radio
1. Yes {term: y}
2. No
2. Do you have any pets in your household?
type: radio
1. Yes
2. No {term: y}
newpage: main_intro
show text: INTRO
text: The remainder of this survey will be about your pet(s).
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