IntelliSurvey has a variety of tools which can alter the design of individual options, questions, pages, and entire surveys. Themes are the primary force that creates the look of survey pages, and these can be customized highly to suit project needs. It is also possible to create entirely new themes, and access only certain parts of a theme. Themes are built on the Xslate template engine and use Metakolon syntax.
IntelliSurvey also supports other tools for the styling of individual survey pages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Using HTML
HTML is a core component of any web page, including ones built by surveys within IntelliSurvey. It is therefore possible to use HTML tags within IntelliSurvey programming to format webpages, create special characters, build display tables, and so on.
Themes and templates
Stylesheets and CSS
CSS, an acronym for Cascading Style Sheet, is a nearly ubiquitous part of Web programming. It is the set of instructions which largely governs how webpage content is displayed.
Progress bar
In non-mobile themes, survey programmers can use the icheck library to customize the look of HTML radio/checkbox input elements. This greatly enhances the UI look and feel with more modern-looking buttons.
Feedback box
Each survey page created by IntelliSurvey allows survey takers the opportunity to provide feedback.
ADA compliance
The Flex theme is designed for viewing surveys via mobile devices. Similar to the Device Diverse and Mobile themes, Flex adapts to the width of the respondent's phone and dynamically changes its display to maximize the width of the screen.
Device diverse and Modern
Device Diverse is IntelliSurvey's responsive, mobile-friendly theme. It is designed to be usable for any survey project, particularly if the sample universe is populated with respondents who may take the survey on something other than a full-size desktop or laptop computer.
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