The Utilities button group includes tools that may help users more generally in their workflow. The Tile States preferences applet allows users to select which tile state information needs clearing. The Clean Word applet allows users to copy and paste content from Word documents into the applet to be "cleaned up" and used as language for a new survey's content. Clean Word can also recognize some basic statements that it will convert to tags that are understood by our system.
Tile States
The Tile States preferences applet is an administrative tool used to clear stored tile state information such as tile position, size, and format. The default option is set to All non-existent surveys (i.e., those that have been deleted) but other available options allow the user to clear tile state information for a specific key/survey id or survey name, or all surveys and user preferences.
If either The key named or The survey named options are chosen, the exact ID must be entered in the corresponding text field to the right of the option.
Clean Word (Beta)
The Clean Word applet provides users the ability to create a new survey by utilizing content from a Word document. The user will first paste the content of a Word document into the applet, perform some mild editing, then copy and paste the output into a new survey.
This applet is a work in progress. Users are invited to try with various text formats to assess the system's output. Future development will broaden the supported formats.
Currently accepted terms
The following terms/statements currently are recognized by the Clean Word applet and will be converted into commonly used tags or used for formatting purposes. For terms/statements that will be converted to tags, be sure to use brackets around the term to help the system identify them.
Term/Statement | Converts to . . . |
mandatory |
select one, accept one response only, single select, radio buttons |
accept multiple responses, check all that apply, multiple choice |
free responses |
terminate |
HTML term/statement | Converts to . . . |
space |
> |
> |
< |
< |
Additional Clean Word "rules"
Other rules that Clean Word operates under include the following:
- Multiple spaces used between words will be converted into a single space.
- Empty lines will be removed.
- Alphabetic option IDs will be converted to numbers by default (see below for further details).
- If a line begins with a bracket - '[' - and it is not using one of the above accepted terms/statements, the line will be made into a comment line.
- Words and phrases that are imported with formatting (bold, italicized, underlined) will be surrounded by HTML formatting (e.g., format → <b>format</b> ).
Steps to use Clean Word
Step 1: Import text into Clean Word
Copy all pertinent text from the Word document containing the survey questions and paste it into the Clean Word text box using Ctrl + v. Users have the option to Convert lettered lists to numbered lists for both questions and list elements, and to Preserve HTML if any HTML has been included in the original questionnaire. These checkboxes are checked by default.
To clean up the text from the Word doc, press Continue.
Step 1A: edit Word text (as needed)
Although the Clean Word applet is capable of converting some terms and statements to HTML formatting, symbols, or commonly used tags in IntelliSurvey's software, it may be necessary to make some minor edits to the copied text before converting it. Making these changes in the applet and not the original Word doc will preserve the integrity of the original doc and provide a baseline to compare the converted questionnaire with.
See above for the list of currently accepted terms/statements.
Step 2: Review converted text
The second page displayed in the applet will display the "cleaned up" Word text. Any terms and statements that can be converted to HTML formatting or commonly used tags will be converted at this point. Users should review the text at this point to make sure any "translatable" items have been converted appropriately.
Step 3: Copy text
To copy the converted text for use in a survey, simply press the Copy button in the upper right-hand corner. The full survey text will then be available to paste into a new survey.
Step 4: Start a new survey
Create a new survey by clicking on the New button under the Survey button group. Fill in all necessary fields, and keep Cut and paste (default) selected as the Submit survey via option. Press Next to continue.
Step 5: Paste copied text into new survey
On the next page of the Survey Create applet, paste in the code from using Clean Word. Make sure to add any defaults before the copied code so that the survey will be able to parse correctly. Once the defaults and copied code have been added, you may either continue editing or click Next to continue with creating the code. When ready to save the code as a new survey, be sure to do so.
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