The IntelliSurvey Mobile Admin site allows users to access the IntelliSurvey software through mobile devices. Though it is accessible on and compatible with tablets as well as smartphones, the UI (user interface) was optimized for small screen devices. We therefore recommend using the desktop site on tablets with screen resolutions of 1920 x 1080 and higher.
The Mobile Admin site was designed to function on both Android and Apple smartphones. For Android users, the Mobile Admin site will work on Google Chrome and Silk without restrictions on either the OS (operating system) version or device screen size. For iPhone users, the Mobile Admin site will work in both Chrome and Safari on iOS V10+ smartphones without any screen size restrictions.
The Mobile Admin site is not designed to allow users full survey access capabilities at this time. As each new version of our software is developed, new functionalities will be added to the mobile site, and this page will be updated as they become available. If you are, or would like to be, a frequent user of the Mobile Admin site, we recommend checking this page periodically for content updates.
Currently the following features are supported for the Mobile Admin site.
At this time, only Theme user preferences can be set with the Mobile Admin site. For more information on additional user preferences, see Managing preferences.
The screenshots shown below are taken from an Android device using Chrome.
Using abbreviated web addresses
The Mobile Admin site allows users to abbreviate links to our servers/surveys. Whereas normally one would have to type out, e.g., '' to access a survey on s1, the site will accept the shortened '' for ease of mobile typing. The browser will then take you to ''. The example below uses the server fresh70.
Some sections of the Mobile Admin site are designed to allow users to view them in either landscape or "full screen" modes. To switch to full screen, simply double tap the screen to make any banners disappear. To switch back to the "normal" view, double tap the screen again.
Sections that are designed for these additional viewing options will be labeled with either of the following icons:
for mobile site functions that are designed for landscape viewing, and
- for mobile site functions that are designed for full-screen viewing.
Although any part of the Mobile Admin site may be viewed in landscape, not all sections are designed for ideal viewing in landscape. Check the sections below for the landscape for reference.
Home/Browse surveys page
Upon logging in, users will be brought to the Home/Browse Surveys page. The Home/Browse Surveys page displays a list of surveys for which the user may view respondent results. The Search Surveys text field at the top of the page allows users to keyword search for their surveys. Simply click on any of the displayed survey names to access more information about the survey.
Users may also search for surveys using the Last Updated filter options found under the Gear menu. The menu defaults to Last 30 Days, but users may search for other date ranges or can apply an Include Archived survey option. To clear the filter, click on the checkbox next to the filter to uncheck it.
Home/Browse surveys menu
The Menu icon in the upper left corner provides the following options.
- Username brings the user to their user Details page. From here, the user can also view their user Groups and user Permissions.
- Home returns the user to the Home/Browse Surveys screen.
- Browse Users takes the user to the Browse Users screen, which provides a list of other users in the system. From here, you can search for a particular user and view their Details, Groups they are involved in, and their Survey Permissions.
- Preferences brings the user to the General Preferences screen where the user may alter their viewing theme if so desired. The Theme defaults to Light but users may also elect to use the Dark theme.
- The Force Desktop View icon ( ), located at the bottom left corner of the screen, allows the user to switch from the Mobile Admin site view to the more traditional desktop style view of IntelliSurvey. This is especially useful for using the Mobile Admin site on tablets.
Browse users
Users can view a full list of System Users' names and email addresses. The list can either be scrolled through manually or searched via the Search Users text field at the top of the screen. As mentioned above, selecting any user will allow you to view that user's Details, Groups, and Survey Permissions.
To the right of each System User's name will be a symbol that indicates their account status. This same code system is applied to the Survey Users listed on the Survey Users screen (see below for more information on Survey Users).
- The green circled check mark indicates a confirmed user (their account has been set up).
- The yellow circled question mark indicates a user has been added, but they have not been confirmed/have not set up their account on the server.
- The purple clock indicates the user has timed out and the account has been disabled for inactivity.
- The red circled exclamation mark indicates a user has been locked out of the survey and may need their permissions restored.
For more information on survey user roles and permissions, see Survey roles and rights.
Dashboard tiles
Survey Dashboard
After selecting a survey from the Home/Browse Surveys page, the user will be taken to the Survey Dashboard screen. Like the desktop version of IntelliSurvey, the Survey Dashboard shows various summary tiles associated with the survey's results. This screen currently displays one tile at a time, defaulting to the Status Tile. To navigate to the other survey tiles, simply press one of the tile icons located at the bottom of the screen.
Survey Dev/Pub status
At the top of the Survey Dash, Internal Users will see a Dev/Pub Status icon located next to the survey's name. This icon indicates the current published status of the survey, with three options available:
- Never published.
- Previously published, but unpublished changes exist in latest Dev version.
- All changes have been published (i.e., Dev and Pub are on the same version of the survey).
In the image above, the most recent version of the survey has been published as indicated by the green checkmark icon. The Dev version will always be the most recent version of the survey, so it is important for users to pay attention to this status icon as it will indicate whether the survey is published and up to date.
Click on Dev/Pub for more information. For additional information on running a survey in Dev or Pub modes, see below.
Survey tiles navigation bar
The Survey tiles navigation bar provides icons which allow users to view each survey tile individually. When an icon is selected, it will turn blue and its name will appear above it in a blue box.
From left to right, the survey tile icons are: Status, Activity, Terms, Quotas, Incidence, and RPM. Each tile is discussed in more detail below.
Survey Dashboard menu
The Survey dashboard menu can be found in the upper left hand corner of the Survey dashboard. The following options are available in this menu:
- Username brings the user to their user Details page, just as it does from the Home/Browse Surveys Menu. From here, one can also view their user Groups and user Permissions.
- Home will return the user to the Home/Browse Surveys page.
- Survey Dash will return the user to the Survey Dashboard page for the survey they were most recently viewing.
Dev: Run and Pub: Run open a separate browser window which allows users to run a survey from a respondent's point of view. Starting with v7.3, Internal users have the ability to run a survey in either development (Dev: Run) or published (Pub: Run) modes.
- External users will only be able to run published versions of the survey and will only see a single Run option (see below for additional information).
- Quotas offers the user a table view of any quota results for a given survey. Users may select whether to view each quota individually or all together.
- Saved Reports provides a list of all reports currently saved for a given survey. Currently only crosstab reports can be opened and viewed.
- Users provides a list of all survey users with permission to view, edit and operate a given survey, and includes their user role(s). Similar to System Users, from this screen users may be added, or one can select a user from the list to view their Details, Groups, and Permissions.
- The Force Desktop View icon, located at the bottom left corner of the menu, works the same as in the Home/Browse Surveys menu and allows the user to view the IntelliSurvey site as it would appear on a desktop computer.
For more information on the Survey Dashboard Menu actions, see here.
Users can view their survey's completion results via the Status tile. Results are displayed as a bar graph, with each category represented by a different color. The graph displays both the number of Completed surveys and Terminated, plus the number of respondents Over Quota, Inactive, or In Progress. Notice each category should display the actual number of results in its bar just like using the desktop version of IntelliSurvey.
The Status dashboard tile also lists the Survey Stage (Survey), Median Time to complete the survey, the Incidence (completion) percentage, and the survey's current Dev (Development) and Pub (Published) statuses. Users will see one of the following possibilities under Dev | Pub:
- If the most recent version of the survey has been published (Dev = Pub), then a version number will be displayed under Pub with a dash listed under Dev, e.g., '- | v46' like shown above.
- If the survey has been published previously but is not the most recent version, then the version number under Dev will be higher than the one under Pub, e.g., 'v49 | v46'. In other words, the survey needs to be published again for the published version to be visible to all users and respondents.
- If the survey has yet to be published, then there will only be a version number under Dev with a dash listed under Pub, e.g., 'v5 | -'. In this scenario, external users would be unable to view the survey until it is published.
A user's ability to see Dev/Pub Status icons, publish a survey, or to choose whether to run or test a survey in either Dev or Pub modes, depends on their System User Role. Internal users with system roles of Survey Creator+ will be able to see both Dev and Pub versions of a survey. External users will only see the latest published version of a survey. If a survey is not yet published, the Pub mode options will be deactivated until published.
For more information on Dev and Pub modes and how they affect surveys, see Dev and Pub mode.
In the above example, the Survey Stage is set to QA. The QA stage is designed to facilitate testing of the survey by changing how data generated by test records is stored. Other Survey Stages include Live, Soft Shutdown, Hard Shutdown, and Archived.
Changing survey status
To change the Survey Status, either press Gear>Stage or press the Survey (Stage) cell in the upper left hand corner above the chart. Either method will bring the user to the Change Survey Stage screen. The number of incompletes and the Current Stage will be listed at the top of the screen. From here users can Select New Stage and change the Max Capacity of respondents.
Once a new stage is selected, a brief description for the status will be displayed. To confirm the status change, press the Save button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Scheduling a status change
Survey status changes do not need to be instantaneous and can be scheduled in advance. After selecting the new stage for the survey, click the Clock icon in the bottom ribbon of the Change Survey Stage screen. This will bring the user to a new screen in which they can select the Date and Time for which to schedule the change, and to which email address(es) to send confirmation of the scheduling change. Click Save to confirm the change.
For more information on scheduling survey stage changes and other general information, click survey stage.
Publishing a survey
Internal users may publish surveys one of two ways. The first way is through the Publish option under the Gear icon. Clicking this option will bring up a dialog box asking to confirm publishing the survey so that all recent Dev changes will be available. After pressing OK, the Survey Status icon will change to the green checkmark, confirming the status change, and a pop-up confirmation will be shown at the bottom of the screen. In addition, the change will also be displayed under the Dev|Pub section of the Status Tile header.
Users may also use the Dev/Pub Status icon itself to publish a survey. If the status icon is not green, it may be pressed, and the user will receive the same confirmation pop-up as shown above.
The Activity tile displays a list of recent errors, updates, and notices for a survey. The activities are displayed in reverse chronological order and include a time stamp. Error types are color coded, and the A, N, and E icons at the top of the Activity dashboard tile allow the user to hide the various error types. This allows the user to focus on only one or two of the error types at a time instead of having to manually search through the list of activities.
To hide an activity type, simply press the icon in the top right of the Activity Tile. The tile will turn gray, and any messages for that activity type will no longer be displayed. Users can hide two activity types at once.
The Activity icons are defined as follows.
Symbol | Stands for | Color Code | Description/Examples |
Hide Actions | green | Actions are related to parsing the survey, such as build errors or updates to the survey. |
Hide Notices | yellow | Notices may include messages related to system or survey errors, such as system resources that should have been translated for a given language but were not, or " '99121' is not a valid option for panel." |
Hide Errors | red | Errors may include issues such as "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" or "rollback ineffective with AutoCommit." |
The Mobile Admin site uses the Termination tile to display a graphical result for the reasons for all survey terminations, including both the number of terminations and the Termination Reason for each. If the respondent was terminated due to a specific quota, the Termination Reason may be displayed as (e.g.) 'Not qualified: QUOTA | Age'. Other termination reasons will often display the question number and any "term text" that was programmed into the survey.
Through the Quotas Tile, users have the ability to view Quotas in a graphic format. The Quotas Tile will only display one quota at a time, but the other quotas may be accessed via the dropdown menu at the top of the tile. Each quota will also display the Prioritization applied below the dropdown menu. In the example shown here, 'condition' is the Prioritization applied.
The results for each quota use the following color key. In the image above, both age ranges '35-44' and '45-54' are well below quota (Unfilled), whereas the '55-64' group has no quota cap. Users may hide any of the color categories by pressing on that color in the key.
To determine the Quota Cap, add the number of Complete and number of Unfilled together for a given quota group, or see the Survey Dashboard > Quotas page.
Incidence tiles are useful for examining the number of survey takers over a given period of time. The Incidence line graph defaults to showing the number of respondents in the last 24 hrs., but users can select different time intervals in which respondents may have taken the survey, from as little as the past 6 hours or as long as the last 2 weeks. Once a new time frame has been selected, the graph's X-axis (Time) will change appropriately. If no surveys were taken in the selected time frame, the graph will not be displayed and a note that "This survey has no incidence data" will be displayed instead.
Four different calculations of incidence are used on this tile, with each calculation being represented by a different color. Incidence lines often overlap, and users may hide or show any of the lines by pressing the line's color code in the key at the bottom of the screen. In the image on the right, both the Average IR C/(C + T + Q) (green) and Overall IR C/(C + T + Q) (purple) lines have been deactivated.
The survey RPM tile measures how many survey pages (responses) are submitted to the server each minute. The tile defaults to displaying results for the Last Day, but using the dropdown menu at the top of the tile, users may also view results for the Last Hour, Last Week, or Last Month.
Note that the X-axis (measuring time) will switch units depending on the time frame selected from the dropdown menu.
For more information on RPM tiles, see RPM Tile.
Run survey
There are two ways in which users may run a survey through the Mobile Admin site - either through the Run button on the Survey Dashboard or by using a Respondent ID. The first way to run a survey is that users assigned a QA Tester user role or higher are capable of running any survey they have permission to access. From the Survey Dashboard menu, select Run and you will be able to take the survey like any other respondent (Internal users will have both Pub: Run and Dev: Run options instead). This can be extremely useful for verifying logic conditions or question accuracy.
After selecting Run, the survey will open in another browser window similar to using IntelliSurvey on the desktop site.
Users may also take the survey by clicking on the
icon next to the Run option. The user will then be prompted to Enter Respondent ID in the Run Survey with Respondent ID dialog box and will be able to take the survey after pressing the Run button.
Quota management
Viewing quota data is available to users via the Quotas action under the Survey Dashboard menu. Unlike the Quotas tile on the Survey Dashboard screen, the quota data here is displayed in a table. Users can choose how they would like the quota table displayed by pressing the Gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Users have the option of increasing the Progress Factor via the slider scale included in the Quotas menu. The Progress Factor defaults to 50%.
Visualization modes available include Single Grid, Stacked Grid, and Stacked Dataview. The Quotas screen defaults to the Show as Stacked Grid option, which displays all quota results on one screen (shown above).
The Single Grid (left) and Stacked Dataview (right) visualization modes are shown below.
Single Grid mode (left) displays only one quota's results at a time, with the Total number of respondents listed at the bottom of the screen. To switch between quotas, select from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. The Stacked Dataview mode (right) presents the results for each quota on one page. The results displayed here are similar to the default Stacked Grid view, but in a simplified manner, displaying the respondent results for each quota group as a fraction of its capacity, with the Grand Total listed at the bottom of each grid.
Notice that in both the Single Grid and Stacked Grid views, for quota groups where the quota capacity has not yet been reached, a bar will be displayed next to their Total number, which represents the quota group's progress towards meeting that capacity. The closer the Quota Group is to its set capacity, the larger the bar appears to be. Note that this bar size is relative to its percent of the quota capacity, not the overall number of respondents.
Single Grid and Stacked Grid views also allow quota capacities to be inputted or edited. Simply press the cell in the Quota column for the desired Quota Group and the cell will become editable. A numeric keyboard will pop up at the bottom of the screen, and a new value can be inputted. Press Go to confirm the new quota capacity when finished.
Survey users
Selecting the Users button from the Survey Dashboard/Home menu allows the user to view a list of all other survey users who have permission to access the survey. The Survey Users screen lists each user's email addresses and Survey Roles, and by clicking on the user, additional information about their roles and permissions can be viewed. Each individual listed here will have a colored symbol next to their name. See System Users (above) for details on the color code.
The following actions are available under the Survey Users screen.
Add users/groups/subsets
Survey users with a Panel Field Manager, Client Coordinator, Editor or Manager role have permission to add users or groups to a survey via the Survey Users screen. Each survey will display a list of email addresses for the users currently permitted access to the survey, including their current user role(s). The Info button (
)at the bottom of the screen will provide tips on how to remove a user or resend email invitations to users.
Selecting a user will allow you to view their Details (
), Groups ( ), and Survey Permissions ( ).
To add additional users or groups, press the Gear icon in the upper right hand corner and press Add. The Add Survey Users screen defaults to USER; press GROUP to add a group instead. Pressing the Info icon at the bottom of the screen will provide steps on how to add a user.
To add a new user, enter their email address, then press Select Survey Roles to choose one or more user roles from the pop-up list (the order is interchangeable here). Permissions for most user roles are listed in parentheses next to the user role name. To confirm the desired survey role(s) for the user, press the checkmark at the bottom of the pop-up.
The following Survey Roles are currently available in the Mobile Admin site, listed from minimal users up through survey Managers:
- Limited Reports Viewer
- General Reports User
- General Reports User and Quotas User
- Template User
- Panel Coordinator
- Panel Field Manager
- Quota User
- QA Tester
- Translator
- Client Coordinator
- Client Coordinator Editor
- Editor
- Manager.
For more information on survey user roles and permissions, see Survey roles and rights.
At this time, new users and their survey roles must be added one at a time. Once all new users have been added, press the Save icon (
)in the bottom right corner to save the new additions. A pop-up message will confirm their additions and that email invitations have been sent to each individual user.
Groups can be chosen via the Select a Group dropdown menu. Once the group(s) to be added have been selected, press Select Survey Roles to choose the appropriate user roles.
Send email invitation
When a new user is added to a survey, an email invitation is automatically sent to them once you save the new user and their Survey Role Permissions.
To resend an email invitation to a user, simply swipe the user's name to the left. A pop-up will appear requiring the user to confirm they want the email resent.
To remove a user, simply swipe their email address listing to the right, and a trash can icon will appear. A pop-up confirmation will then appear, asking for verification that the selected user should have their rights to access the survey revoked. Simply press No if you do not desire to delete/remove the user.
If a user is accidentally removed from a survey, they will have to be re-added manually (see above for details).
Saved reports
To access any reports for a given survey, click on the Saved Reports option under the Home/Browse Surveys menu. This will take you to the Saved Reports screen.
The following actions are permitted within the Mobile Admin site.
List Saved
The Saved Reports page includes a list of all saved reports for a given survey. Users cannot currently create reports via the Mobile Admin site (this still must be done via the desktop version of IntelliSurvey), and not all report types can be viewed via the site. At this time, any saved crosstab reports are viewable. For more information on crosstab reports, see below.
Edit description
To edit the name of any report, select the report from the list, then click on the Gear>Edit Description. A pop-up box will appear, prompting the user to enter a new description (name) of the report. The original name will initially appear in the text field. Enter the new name in the text field, then press OK to accept. Simply press Cancel to prevent changes to the report name.
To delete a saved report, swipe the desired report partially to the right to reveal the Delete button and click on it, or completely swipe to the right so that the button will automatically be clicked. A pop-up box will appear, prompting the user to confirm deletion of the report.
Only users with permission to manage reports are able to delete saved reports or edit their descriptions. This includes user roles of Quota User and higher.
Crosstabs: view saved reports
Not all reports can be viewed within the Saved Reports list page, but crosstab reports can be. Crosstab is short for cross-tabulation (also known as a contingency table). This report type allows users to examine the data by subgroups and create frequency tables cut by the options of the column variables. This reveals the distribution of said variable(s) across the options for the defined row variable(s). The purpose of such a report is to show the relationship between one or more question/variable rows and the selected columns.
Crosstabs are differentiated from other reports by the crosstab icon (
). Selecting a crosstab will allow the user to view all data under this report.
Please note that because of reduced mobile device screen sizes, viewing crosstabs on smartphones while in portrait mode may present some challenges. We therefore suggest to rotate the device to landscape mode and double click anywhere on the grid to enter full screen visualization mode. This allows for more information to be displayed on the screen, as illustrated below.
Users have the ability to shrink or expand the column widths in the grid by pressing on the column divider line at the top of the column, then dragging the column edge left or right. Users may also alter how they view data in the report by pressing on the right hand side of the column title cell. An arrow will appear, and clicking on the arrow will pop up a dropdown box of options to filter which data is shown, sort ascending or descending results, and change how the data is grouped.
For information on a given data value in the grid, simply click and hold on the cell and a tooltip will appear with more information.
For more information on crosstabs, see Crosstab Report.
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