The Roles administration applet is used to view, edit, or create survey roles and system roles in the IntelliSurvey platform. System roles grant the ability to perform a set of specific actions across the IntelliSurvey platform (e.g., the server level), and survey roles grant the ability to perform a set of specific actions with an individual survey. User accounts are assigned a single system role to control global access, while a user account can have many different survey roles for many different surveys.
The Roles applet is accessible by Standard Users+, but changes may only be made by System Administrators. Other custom roles could be created to allow users to have access to the Roles applet, if need be. As with any of these types of requests, you may reach out to a support agent for assistance.
Tip! Can't tell a role from a right? Start reading here first. See the quick guide to user security.
Accessing Roles Administration
To access the Roles Administration applet, use the System Navigation menu. Click on the Administration button group; then, click Roles.
The Roles applet opens the Roles and Rights Matrix, which allows users to search for and view both system roles (default) and survey roles and their respective permissions ("rights"). To switch between the two sets of roles, click on the System Roles/Survey Roles toggle button above the table.
The Roles and Rights Matrix defaults to displaying All Roles and All Rights for either system or survey roles. Users may elect to view either a single right or role by making a selection in the Right Selector and Role Selector dropdown menus at the top of the grid.
Users can also view only the rights pertinent to a role by checking the Show Matching Rights Only checkbox next to the Role Selector menu.
Searching by rights
To view which user roles match a specific right, first use the System Roles/Survey Roles toggle to view either system or survey-specific rights. Then, use the Right Selector dropdown menu to select which right to view.
Once a right has been selected, only that right will be displayed in the leftmost column of the grid. Any user roles that can use that right will contain a green checkmark in the cell below them. A message will appear below the table providing a description of the selected right and how or where the right can be utilized (e.g., what actions the user can take).
Searching by roles
Searching the Roles and Rights Matrix by role is similar to searching by right. Selecting a given system or survey role will show a list of all available system or survey rights, respectively; any rights associated with that role will contain a checkmark in their cells.
Users can also check the Show Matching Rights Only option, which will hide any rights/rows that are not available for that role. This is especially helpful when viewing survey roles due to the large number of survey rights, many of which may only be available to higher-level user roles.
When searching by roles, the right's description can be viewed by clicking on the right's name. A message with a description will appear below.
Browse and view roles
Users can also view roles and rights in the Browse table by clicking the Browse button in the Role/Right Matrix menu bar. The Browse view displays all users grouped by system roles, then survey roles.
The following columns are included in the Browse table.
- Name: The role name. This name is displayed throughout the IntelliSurvey platform in the User applet and other user account related features.
- Type: The role type. There are two role types - system and survey. System roles apply to tasks across the IntelliSurvey platform, while survey roles apply to tasks within a given survey.
- Editable?: Indicates whether the role is editable or read-only. The IntelliSurvey platform is pre-installed with a collection of system and survey roles, and this collection of roles are not editable (read-only). Any newly created roles are considered editable.
The final column allows users to view a description of the role and rights associated with it by hovering over the eye icon ().
Clicking on a role activates the View button. Clicking this button brings users to a table that displays a list of all potential rights for that role. Any rights that the user role can perform are shown in bold.
To return to the Roles and Rights Matrix view or the Browse view, click the Matrix button or Browse button in the menu bar, respectively.
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