Themes are the resource surveys use to render HTML and therefore define the visual look and feel. The Themes applet allows the user to view all available themes, preview each one, and see what different surveys look like in a given theme. Additionally, users can view the files from which themes are constructed, as well as add new themes via this tool. This page covers navigating the UI and the basic functionality of the Themes applet. For information about creating and editing the .tx files that define the themes, see Editing themes. To access the Themes applet, expand the Resources button group in the Navigation Menu, and select Themes.
Tip! Preview a survey in any theme by adding a URL parameter to the run link: _tid. The _tid parameter, an acronym for "theme ID," accepts the theme ID as specified in the Themes applet. For example:
For more information, see URL parameters.
The Themes applet launches in Browse view, which displays a list of all available survey themes on a given server, including user-created themes.
The following columns are displayed in Browse view.
Column | Description |
Theme ID | The reference name of the theme. |
Description | A brief description of the theme. |
Inherits from | The theme from which the current theme is derived. All themes are derived from other themes, except for base (Basic plain). |
Inherited By | The themes derived from the current theme. |
Used by | All surveys on the server that use the current theme. |
From the applet header, users may perform various actions such as creating a new theme, viewing a preview of a theme, viewing files associated with a theme, or deleting a user-created theme. To activate the View, Files, and Delete button, first click on theme in the Browse grid. The Delete button will only be available for user-created themes.
View theme
Clicking the View button brings users to the Preview Themes screen. From here, users may preview sample surveys applying the theme's display formats to various question types. Other themes may be tested from here as well via the Theme pulldown menu.
The default preview survey - Simple Example Survey - is initially displayed for each theme. When a different survey is selected from the View survey pulldown menu, the preview will be then render that survey in the chosen theme's style. Users can also jump to a particular page within the survey via the Page pulldown menu.
View files
Delete theme
To delete a theme, select it from the Themes Browse grid, then click Delete. The system prompts the user to select a substitute theme to apply to any surveys using the soon-to-be deleted theme, as well as which theme descendant themes should use as a new parent.
After clicking Next, a confirmation modal will appear to verify the them should be deleted. Click Yes to confirm the theme's deletion.
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