Users may search for and open surveys they have permission to view from their HOME screen's Survey Navigator or Dashboard views.
Tip! Users with system roles of Standard User and above will be able to access the Survey Navigator. Minimal Users and Template Users will only be able to access their surveys from the HOME screen via the Dashboard view. Those users should add tiles to their dashboard and launch surveys from tiles instead.
Finding a survey in the Survey Navigator
Most users will have the Survey Navigator as their default HOME screen. Here, you can search through surveys you have permission to access by using the Filters dropdown menu, the Last Updated dropdown menu, the Quick Search field, or any combination of those options.
The Survey Navigator defaults to displaying surveys that have been active in the Last 30 Days. Users can alter the Last Updated filter to search by other timeframes (Last 90 Days, Beyond 90 Days, or All Dates) and include archived surveys. Then, the Filters menu allows users to search via Quick Search, By Column, or by Survey Source. All searches conducted via the Filters menu can be cleared via the Reset option or within the filter itself.
Note: The Last Updated filter options Last 30 Days and Last 90 Days are persistent. If either option is applied, the applet will "remember" the selection and continue to apply that same filter the next time the Survey Navigator is opened.
Quick Search
The Quick Search field is available and displayed above the top left corner of the survey list table. The text field will allow users to search across any column, not just Survey ID or Description. To search the table, simply enter the desired text in the Quick Search text field.
To disable the filter, either delete the input from the text field, or select Reset from the Filters dropdown menu. The Quick Search text field can also be disabled by unchecking the box next to the Quick Search option under the Filters dropdown menu.
By Column
The By Column filter cannot be activated under the Filters dropdown menu, but it will be checked if a column filter was applied in the table. To apply this filter, hover over the desired column in the table. A down arrow will appear. Click on the down arrow to display menu options for sorting and filtering. Hovering over the Filter option will bring up a text field to use for keyword searching for that specific column.
If a column filter has been applied, a "funnel" icon will appear next to the column's header. The column filter can be disabled by deselecting the Filter checkbox, clearing the filter text field, or by selecting Reset under the Filters dropdown menu.
Survey Source
The Survey Source filter allows users to search survey source code for keywords. This is extremely useful in situations where you may recall using a particular tag, widget, line of code, or even a niche brand name, but cannot recall in which survey it was used.
You can search using either Source includes or Source excludes for the keyword(s), and you can also create multiple keyword searches to use simultaneously. The search filter is not case-sensitive; searching for (e.g.) "rank" or "RANK" will yield the same results.
There is also a checkbox you can select to search only the latest versions. This is checked by default. Note that with the ability to have "Dev" (Development) and "Pub" (Published) versions of a survey, the dev version could potentially be the latest version of the survey instead of the published one. To search through all survey versions/iterations, deselect the box Search only latest versions.
Opening a survey in the Survey Navigator
Once you have found the survey you wish to open, select it by clicking anywhere in the row. The cell will be highlighted blue. To open the survey selected, you can double-click on the highlighted row, or you can expand the Actions menu and select Open.
You can also open several survey tabs at once. You can select the first survey and the drag the selection up or down in the table to highlight multiple, adjacent surveys. You can also select adjacent surveys with the keyboard. Click the first item, then press and hold the SHIFT key. Then, click the last item and release the SHIFT key.
All surveys selected will open in a new tab above the blue menu bar.
Opening a survey via a Survey tile
If you are using the Dashboard view, surveys can be opened directly from their Survey tiles as well. Click on the gray expand arrow button on the upper-right corner of the Survey tile you wish to open.
This will launch that survey's dashboard in a new tab.
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