Starting with r7.5, users have the ability to switch between software versions of the IntelliSurvey platform via a feature known as version partitioning. This allows users to work in the newest release versions of the user interface (UI) with new surveys, but use the previous release version's UI to work with older surveys without having to upgrade them. An older survey would then not only be able to use the reporting features that existed for the earlier release version, but would also not require any code updating due to changes in coding conventions associated with the newest release.
The IntelliSurvey platform will only preserve the latest release of the software (e.g., 7.5) and the previous release of the software (e.g., 7.4). Surveys more than one version back will not be supported and will require upgrading.
Platform version indicators
The IntelliSurvey platform uses various indicators so that users are aware which version of the software they are in currently. By default, when logging into a server, users will be brought to the current stable version of the platform. In other words, if the latest release is in "Beta," users will be brought to the current release upon login; if the latest release is not in Beta, then users will start there upon login. Note that when logging back into a server, the user will return to the platform version in which they left off.
While in its "Beta" stage, logging into a server that has been updated to 7.5 will display an orange banner at the top of the page with "BETA" displayed in the center of it. This banner will not appear when switching to the 7.4 version of the platform.
There are two primary indicators of which version the platform is in. The first is in the pulldown box to the right of the IntelliSurvey logo in the upper left-hand corner of the banner. While in the latest release (e.g., 7.5), this will appear in yellow; if the user has switched to the previous release of the platform, it will be colored a light bluish-gray.
The second version notification is in the bottom left-hand corner of the page. The version in which the platform is being displayed will be shown first/to the left, e.g., "Version 7.5," with the other version underlined and to the right ("7.4" as shown below). The second version number is clickable.
Switching between platform versions
There are three ways that users may switch platform versions - via the header Version pulldown menu, the footer version number link, or by opening a survey from another version. When switching versions, it will appear as if the screen has been "swiped" to the side, revealing the other version's UI.
Via version pulldown menu
The first way to switch platform versions is via the Version pulldown menu. The active release version will be shown on top and will be grayed out/disabled. Clicking on the other version number will cause the platform to switch to that version.
Via footer version number
As mentioned above, the release numbers in the footer display the version the user is working in (left) and the other available release version (right). To switch versions, click on the release number to the right.
Opening a survey in another version
Due to the version partitioning features, surveys must be opened in the platform version to which they were last saved. If a survey is older than the previous version of the platform, e.g., attempting to open a 7.3 survey when 7.5 is "latest," then the user will be required to open the survey in the oldest available version of the platform. Users do not need to manually make this switch; a pop-up will appear, notifying the user of the version difference, and will make the switch automatically once the user acknowledges the version switch.
The following scenarios could occur when opening up surveys whose versions do not match the version of the platform in which the user attempts to open them:
- If opening a survey from the newest version (e.g., 7.5) while in the previous version's platform (e.g., 7.4), a pop-up will notify the user that the survey is from the newer version and that it will be opened in "a newer version of the application (7.5)." After confirming, the user is then taken to that survey's Survey Dashboard in the newest version of the platform.
- If opening a survey from the previous version (e.g., 7.4) while in the newest version's platform (e.g., 7.5), a pop-up will notify the user that the survey is from the older version and that it will open in "an older version of the application (7.4)." After confirming, the user is then taken to that survey's Survey Dashboard in the older/previous version of the platform.
- If opening an older survey (e.g., 7.3) while in the newest version (7.5), a pop-up will notify the user that the survey is old and will need to be opened in an older version of the application. It will then bring the user to the previous version's platform (7.4). They will then receive an upgrade notice to upgrade the survey to that version (7.4), not the newest version.
- If opening an older survey (e.g., 7.3) while in the previous platform version (7.4), the survey will open like a normal survey. When users attempt to parse the survey, they will get the same upgrade notice as in the 3rd scenario.
Users should note that workspaces are platform version specific. In other words, if the Use workspaces user preference is set to Yes, separate Workspaces can be utilized for each platform version, and switching between platform versions should restore the tabs that were left open in that version.
For more on workspaces, click here.
Upgrading surveys
To upgrade a survey from a prior software version to the latest, the user will need to have the survey open in the older version of the platform. Under the Structure button group in the Survey Navigation menu, select the Upgrade button. A confirmation pop-up will appear, letting the SP know that all open tabs associated with the survey will be closed as the survey will be reopened in the newest version of the platform. Click OK to continue.
The platform will switch to the latest version of the software, and the survey will be opened in the Edit Source applet. A large will appear at the top of the applet page, letting the user know that they must recompile the source code and save it in order to upgrade to the latest version. The survey will automatically be published once it has been recompiled and saved.
Note that the Survey Navigation menu will be disabled until the survey has been upgraded.
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