The survey configuration refers to a set of options that define specific characteristics about the survey. They are set at the time that the survey is created. However, it is possible to alter these options afterwards via the Survey Configuration applet. Through the applet, users can change the survey theme, description, main country targeted, language, and the owner with which the survey is associated.
Accessing survey configurations
To access the Survey Configuration applet, expand the Structure button group and select Configuration.
This launches the Survey Configuration applet. The survey ID that was chosen when the survey was created cannot be edited, but several other details can be modified.
These editable options include the following:
Option | Description |
Survey Description |
A short title or phrase whose purpose is to help users identify the survey. This information does not appear in the survey to respondents, but is displayed below each applet's name in the header after the survey ID. Note, if external vendors (e.g., a panel company) have access to the Survey Dashboard, it is best practice to exclude the client's name from the survey ID and description. |
Theme |
The survey's display theme. This field defaults to Flex. For more information on survey themes, see Themes. |
Country | The main target country for the survey, stored at the respondent level and stored as the system variable base_country . This field defaults to United States.
Language | The primary language used for the survey. All respondent-facing system messages and navigation buttons will appear in the selected language. This field defaults to English (U.S.) and can be independently modified from the Country field. |
Survey Owner |
The Survey Owner is the user with the highest level of survey permissions associated with the survey. By default, the user that creates the survey is its owner; however, a Survey Owner may transfer ownership to another user. To select a new Survey Owner, either click the down arrow to select from the dropdown menu, or begin typing in the Survey Owner field. The menu will only show emails of current users that match the input. |
Is template survey | A checkbox that allows the user to indicate the survey can be used as a template to build other surveys using the IntelliBuilder feature. |
After making changes, click the Next button. The system will process the requested changes and inform you when the parameters are updated.
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