The following article contains information on how to view, modify, and export reports. For information on creating various reports, see the articles associated with those reporting applets.
For additional information on actions such as deleting, renaming, uploading, or scheduling emails for reports, see Deliverables.
Note: As of r8.0+, report viewer permissions have changed. Anyone with the survey role of Manager or higher can view all data cuts and reports. However, all users with lower survey permissions can only see reports and data cuts created by other users within their same organization/domain by default.
Starting in r8.2+, survey Managers+ have the power to grant specific user access on each report, either when saving the report or later, within the Deliverables applet under Actions > User Access.
Viewing saved reports
The Deliverables applet provides a grid of all reports, exports, and digests that have been created for a given survey. Reports are noted by a red icon under the Format column, and if need be, users may use the Reports filter or keyword search field above the grid to only display reports.
To view a report, double click on its row. The report will be opened in a separate tab in the reporting applet in which it was created.
Previously saved reports will have a light blue banner across the top to differentiate them from unsaved reports. The Saved Report banner contains the report description and the Copy Client URL button. When this is pressed, a copy of the URL is saved to the user's "clipboard" so that it may be pasted into an email or note. The resulting URL will bring the user directly to the report and can be shared with any IntelliSurvey user with permissions to view saved reports.
Saved reports may also be edited from this view via the Edit Report button. For more on editing saved reports, see Modifying a saved report below.
Modifying a saved report
Once a saved report is opened, users with editing privileges may modify the report in one of two ways - by clicking on the Edit Report button in the light blue Saved Report banner, or by clicking on the Filters button in the blue menu bar.
Once either of these buttons is clicked, the Edit Report button will disappear from the Saved Report banner, and the report will be editable. The Record Selector and Field Selector filters will reappear, and the filters that were applied in the original version of the report will still be active. In a Response report, if Individually was originally chosen in the Field Selector, the previously selected fields will still be displayed in the order they were originally configured. In a Topline report, an Existing Tiles option may appear in the Field Selector, which is equivalent to electing to keep the previously selected fields.
After any necessary changes have been made, click Apply to rerun the report. Users may then resave the report by selecting the Save option under the reporting applet's Actions menu. A warning message will let the user know that they may keep the description the same to overwrite the original report, or alter the description to save it as a new report.
Note that reporting applets maintain the last-visited reporting view, even if navigating to other applets in the software from the same tab. Therefore, if a user opens a saved report, it will remain open within the applet until the applet is restarted.
Exporting reports
It is possible to export tables and charts generated in the reporting applets into Excel or PowerPoint formats. The manner in which these files are displayed will depend on the report being exported and the format selected. To create an export, click the button in the Actions menu corresponding to the desired export after the report is created. Excel, PowerPt, and PDF buttons will be appear for each supported format for the current report type.
Each reporting applet has different download options as shown below.
Reporting applet | Excel | PowerPoint | |
Topline Reports | |||
CheatSweep Reports | |||
Frequency Reports | |||
Response Reports | |||
Crosstabs Reports | |||
Base Counts Reports | |||
Page Reports |
- For Topline exports with multiple tiles, each chart will be displayed on a separate tab of the Excel file.
- To export an individual Topline report tile, access the Gear icon > Export menu.
- Page report exports display in verbatim what is displayed on the IntelliSurvey interface; not to be confused with a Respondent report.
- Crosstab reports have two Excel download options – Excel (single sheet) or Excel (multiple sheets).
- Individual Response reports may also be downloaded as Excel sheets as needed.
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