Compare By is a tool that allows users to view data from a given question through the lens of Comparison Groups created from another question. The comparison groups create an additional axis of data which is used to create a graphical cross-tabulation between the original question and the selected Compare By question. This is useful for revealing trends in question X among different groups of respondents as defined by selections in question Y.
Consider the following Topline tile generated by a multiselect closed-end question, Q2. It is a summary variable which includes all major chain stores respondents enjoy visiting.
An earlier demographic variable, QAGEQUOTA, categorizes respondents by their ages.
Compare By can show the frequencies for each store selected in Q2 for each respondent age group as defined in QAGEQUOTA. To use Compare By, click on the Gear icon in the tile's title bar, and select Analyze > Compare By. This displays a list of all data fields in the survey. Because the variable we want to select is a regular survey field, it is found under Survey fields. In the same manner, record data and system fields may be used to run a Compare By.
Select QAGEQUOTA, and the output is a summary tile. By default, the Y-axis will consist of the options from the tile Compare By was accessed from (Q2), with the X-axis being the options from the tile selected for the comparison (QAGEQUOTA).
When QAGEQUOTA is selected, the system automatically creates a comparison group, as indicated in the description at the top of the tile. In this group are data cuts for each selection, or age group, in QAGEQUOTA. These groups are then used to create a summary tile where ratings can be compared for each store. Users may elect to swap the axes by selecting Gear menu > Options > Flip Axis. Unchecking the Flip Axis checkbox will instead list the age groups from QAGEQUOTA on the Y-axis, with the stores from Q2 making up the X-axis.
As with any other tile, the graph can be expanded, saved, or exported.
Compare By for grid tiles
Compare By can also be used with grid tiles, but because some grid tiles already display 2 or 3 axes of data, it works differently. The process of creating the comparison is identical, but the output is different. After a Compare By is run, the grid tile will list the variable used for the comparison at the bottom of the tile, with a pulldown menu next to it, as well as a button for exporting the results.
The Compare By pulldown menu includes all options from the comparison tile. Each option in the menu acts as a data cut within the question against which the present grid tile's Compare By is being run. The data being displayed in the tile is based on which option/data cut has been selected (in the above image, the results of T4B are being shown for the Age Range '18 - 24').
Selecting the Export All button exports all of the data cuts for the compared tiles in an Excel file. The Excel file has a tab for each cut, with each tab displaying the question data that qualifies for that tab's cut.
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