There are a great many configuration options available for Topline tiles. To make these options easier to manage, it is possible to save sets of option selections so that they may be recalled together. These groups of options are called packages. Packages live within the scope of the report in which they were created. To save a package, the report containing that package must be saved. Saving a report preserves the package, but it will only be accessible from within that saved report. To add one or more packages to a survey question's Topline tile universally, so that it is not limited to a given saved report, the package source can be copied and pasted into the survey source and used with the reportoptions
Creating and toggling packages
To create a new package, first select all of the Gear menu configuration options in the Topline tile that should be included. Once the tile is configured satisfactorily, navigate via the Gear menu to Packages > Add.
This launches the Add New Package popup, which displays the configuration options selected, but in reportoptions
Simply give the new preset a name, and click Create. A notification now appears indicating that the new preset has been created.
To toggle the package on or off, or to select a different package, navigate back to the Packages option in the Gear menu.
Editing a package
There are a few ways to approach editing a package. Navigating from the Gear menu to Packages > Package Name > Edit is the most direct way, but it requires direct editing of the bracketed report options syntax. This is possible, but unforgiving of errors.
It is far better to approach editing presets by first selecting the package you wish to edit, then making whatever adjustments are needed by manipulating the Gear menu options. After the desired modifications are made, navigate to the Gear > Packages option, where the edited package is no longer selected. Select Packages > Add from the Add New Package popup, where two approaches can be taken:
- Enter the name of the package to edit in the Name text field, overwriting it with the updated version, thus applying whatever changes were made; or
- Copy the updated report options code, then navigate back to the package to edit via Packages > Package Name > Edit, and paste the updated report options code into the Edit Package popup.
Navigating to the Gear menu's Packages > Source option launches the All Packages pop-up window, which contains a text area containing all option selections for all packages, written in report options syntax. The intent is to allow survey programmers to quickly copy and paste this into the survey's source code so that these packages are always available for the given tile. To copy the report options syntax, click in the All Packages pop-up, then press Ctrl-A to select all. Next go to the Edit Survey applet, and press Ctrl-V to paste the snippet into the question's source code.
Packaged reports
Once a package has been created, a new option will appear in the Gear menu - Packaged Reports. The Packaged Reports menu option toggles the Gear menu display from Standard View, which displays all available Topline configuration options, to the Packaged Reports View. This is a simplified menu that facilitates the toggling of different packages.
When enabled, the first grouping of options display the different packages available, as well as the ability to disable the package's settings. Additionally, a filter can be applied, and the tile can be refreshed or exported. To toggle back to the standard Gear menu, select Standard Menu. Menus display in Packaged Reports mode by default if "presets_menu" is specified in survey source via reportoptions
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