The Individual Response Report displays field data for a given survey record. This report permits examination of a single record in the greatest level of detail within the reporting interface.
Tip! By default, Individual Response Reports show only fields chosen in the Field Selector from the parent Response Report. The report can be toggled to show all fields via the Actions menu.
Accessing an Individual Response Report
The Individual Response Report is a sub-report of the Response report, and is accessed through the Response Reports applet. To access an Individual Response Report, double click the ID of the respondent to examine in the trans_id column in the Response Reports, and the individual report will be displayed for that respondent. By default the filters are hidden in Individual Response Reports. To show or edit the filters applied to the report, click the Filters button in the applet header.
Each data field is displayed as a row, and there are three columns. The first is the Field, which displays the question or variable label; the second is Description, which is populated by the question text; and the third is Value, which displays the data populating the field.
As in Response Reports, the data can be sorted in ascending or descending order for each column by clicking a column heading. In addition, it is possible to remove and add columns. To do this, hover the cursor over a column heading. A downward facing arrow appears. When clicked, a menu is revealed. Navigating to Columns will reveal each column name.
Unchecking the box next to that column name causes the column to disappear. It can be re-added in the same manner.
The Actions menu offers the following options.
Option | Description |
Save | Saves the report so that it may be recalled via the Deliverables application. Selecting this option in the Individual Response Report saves the parent response report, but when recalled, opens the view of the given record. |
Excel | Exports the report in a spreadsheet format. |
Show All Fields | By default, only fields selected in the parent Response report are shown. This option toggles to instead show all fields. |
Edit | Allows the user to alter the respondent's input/selections. |
View Activity Data | Displays the respondent's actions while taking the survey, such as whether they used their back button or saw an error message. |
QuexView | Allows the user to see both the survey and the respondent's selections/input in the Questionnaire View applet. |
Navigating to other records' reports
Once an Individual Response Report has been launched, it is possible to navigate to other respondents' individual reports. The Previous and Next buttons allow users to view either the records before or after the current record.
If a specific trans_id is needed that is not close to the current record's ID, users may click Return, bringing them back to the Response Report applet where they can then select the respondent record for viewing.
Editing Individual Response records
The Individual Response Report's Edit Mode allows record data to be edited via the admin interface. To edit a given record's data, click Actions > Edit.
Editing Mode will be enabled, and the editing menu will appear in the applet header.
To edit a field, click on the cell in the Value column for that field. Whether the field is a single select, multiselect, or open-ended question will affect how the responses can be edited.
Single select fields
When a single select (radio, pulldown, radio_slider, etc.) field is clicked, a menu appears displaying the available options for that field.
Clicking the desired option replaces the original/previous selection.
Multiselect fields
Multiselect questions (checkbox, listbox) look similar to single-selects when editing them. When clicked, a menu appears revealing all possible options.
Selected options remain highlighted in blue in the pulldown and are displayed in the field above the menu in gray. To remove a selected option, click on it within the list. Clicking the X within the selected option will also deselect it.
Open-end fields
Editing an open-end field presents a text box in which the input can be edited.
Viewing, saving, reverting changes
Every edited field is highlighted in red as shown below. To accept changes, click Save on the upper right of the report's header, then click Yes in the confirmation modal to complete the changes. To reset the data to its original state, click Cancel.
Viewing respondent activity
To view details on the respondent's activity in the survey, go to Actions > View Activity Data. This will show a grid with information on every survey page the respondent has viewed.
Each row of the grid is one page submission; that is, one click of the Continue or Back button on the survey page. This information can be used to diagnose certain data concerns. For example, you can use the 'Submit Form' and 'Rendered Form' columns to determine if a respondent used their browser's Back button to go back in the survey and change an earlier answer. To return to the respondent's survey data, go to Actions > View Respondent Data.
A description of each column of the grid is below.
Column | Description |
Timestamp | The date and time of the page submission. |
Submit Form |
The previous page that was submitted in order to view the current page. |
Autoprocessed Forms |
Lists any pages that were skipped, either due to skip logic, or the page only containing hidden fields such as quotas. |
Render Form | The page that was seen by the respondent. |
Questions on Page | The survey question(s) that were visible on the page. |
Going Back? | If '1', indicates the survey Back button was used instead of Continue. Using the browser back button will not trigger this flag. |
Error? | If '1', indicates a validation error message was triggered and seen by the respondent. |
Duration (ms) | Time in milliseconds taken to load the page (1000ms = 1 second). |
Elapsed (ms) | Time in milliseconds the respondent spent on the page until the next submission. |
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