Testmode data is the data generated by survey records where the testmode variable is punched 1, 2, or 4. For more information about the meaning of these codes, click on running surveys in Testmode.
When in the testing phase of a survey, it is useful for test records to show in survey reports. This will help to ensure the survey is programmed to the survey designer's specifications, that no errors exist, and that quota structures are correctly implemented. Naturally, such data ought to be discarded once the survey stage is set to live. IntelliSurvey automatically hides all test data when the Survey Stage is live. The test data still exists, but it is not visible in reports unless an explicit filter is used.
View test data in reports when survey is in live stage
Use the following data cut expressions to view test mode data when the survey is in Live stage:
All testmode data (including dummy data)
$testmode > 0
Testmode data excluding dummy data
$testmode > 0 and $testmode < 4
Quota Tiles/the Quota Manager report test data when the survey is in QA Stage.
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