Response reports display actual field data for a specified set of records and fields (variables). The data is organized in a grid format, and displays option codes and field names in much the same format as it appears in its Excel output. Open-end responses appear inline in the data columns, with closed-end responses defaulting to displaying option IDs. The Response report is the ideal view to look at individual responses to a limited question subset without needing to actually export data. Additionally, it is the path which provides access to Individual response reports. To access the Response Reports applet, select the Response option under the Reports button group.
Note: As of r8.0+, report viewer permissions have changed. Anyone with the survey role of Manager or higher can view all data cuts and reports. However, all users with lower survey permissions can only see reports and data cuts created by other users within their same organization/domain by default.
Starting in r8.2+, survey Managers+ have the power to grant specific user access on each report, either when saving the report or later, within the Deliverables applet under Actions > User Access.
Creating a Response report
Creating a Response report is much like creating other types of reports in the IntelliSurvey platform. To create a new report, use the Record Selector filter to define which records to include (Completed, IDs, Date/Time, Data Cut, or Weights). Then, use the Field Selector filter to determine which fields to include (All Questions, All Questions and Record Data, By Chapter, By Field Type, or Individually). Click Apply to generate the report. By default, Completed records and All Questions and Record Data will be selected.
Tip! Like other reporting applets, Response Reports may be created for "Dev" (in development) or "Pub" (published) versions of the survey by using the Dev/Pub toggle in the applet menu bar. If the most recent version of the survey has been published, the toggle will be inactive. For more on Dev/Pub, see Dev and Pub Mode.
Report layout
The trans_id column indicates respondent IDs for each record, and remains anchored to the left side of the report. Subsequent fields selected in the Field Selector appear as additional columns. If more columns are in the report than can fit on the page horizontally, the report will include a horizontal scroll bar which appears above the page footer. By default, Response reports will only display up to 80 columns of data. If this number is exceeded, the Show All Columns button will appear. Click this button to display the remaining columns.
If need be, the Record and Field Selectors may be hidden to provide additional space to display the grid's rows by clicking the Filters button. To bring the selectors back, click the Filters button again.
The Response report can be sorted by any of the data columns. Simply click the column header and and the data will be sorted in ascending order (from A to Z, or smallest number to largest, or earliest timestamp to latest). When the data is sorted by a column, an arrow will appear in that column header. Clicking it again will sort it in reverse order.
Column width can also be manipulated. To adjust column width, bring your cursor over the lines dividing the columns in the column headers. A width icon will appear. When it does, click and drag the column to re-size it to the desired width.
The Actions menu presents additional actions a user may want to execute after configuring a report.
Saving reports
To save a Response report, click Actions > Save. The Save Report modal will appear, prompting the user to add a file name in the Description field and to add any additional users in the User Access section. Click Save to finish saving the report.
The User Access option allows users with the correct permissions to designate which users may access the report. Currently, survey Managers+ have the ability to grant access to other users. If not set, anyone with the survey role of Manager+ can view all reports; meanwhile all other users with lesser survey permissions can only see reports created by users within their same organization/domain. The modal is broken into three sections - Domain, which lists all domains from all users with access to the survey (with the exception of IntelliSurvey); Individuals, which lists all individual emails in alphabetical order; and Default, which is an un-editable section of users with permanent access to the report. Any users that already have access by default will be included at the bottom of the list, and their access cannot be removed. Lastly, a user must already have access to the survey to be added to the report. To provide access to a user, simply check the box next to the individual's domain or next to the individual's email.
Tip! If a client typically asks to add more users at various stages of a project (e.g., adds new colleagues for data analysis at the end of a project) it is helpful to grant access to the client's domain so that all current and future users from that organization have access.
Note that reports made while the survey is in Dev mode or has yet to be published, will be saved as "Dev only," which may affect visibility for some lower-access users. Additionally, if a report is saved while in Dev mode, new users cannot be added once permissions are set.
Click Save to continue.
To check or amend which users can access a file post-saving, go to Actions > User Access. Note, this option will not appear in the Actions menu unless the report has been saved. To add or remove users, check or uncheck the boxes next to their names as needed. Click Save to continue.
Note: If a report was saved while in Dev mode, new users cannot be added once permissions are set.
Once a report has been saved, the filters will disappear, and a light blue bar will appear below the applet menu bar. The Saved Report banner contains the report description, the Copy Client URL button, and the Edit Report button.
Tip! Saved reports can also be accessed for viewing or editing via the Deliverables applet.
Download (Excel)
Users may download a copy of the report as it is displayed on the screen by going to Actions > Excel. As the menu name suggests, the file downloads in an Excel file. Although this report file type appears similar to a deliverable export, there are a few important differences.
Tip! What is the difference between a report and an export?
- Response reports store the data for a checkbox question in a single column with a common-delimited string of answers, and display the option IDs if selected, whereas an export stores the data for a checkbox question in a multi-column format where each option has a unique column that displays a '1' (selected) or '0' (not selected).
- Exports have a second tab called "Questions" which map the question and option IDs to the values displayed in the column headers; Response reports do not have this tab.
Showing option descriptions
It is possible to toggle response codes (default view) and response text for closed-end fields by clicking Show Option Desc. If selected, the report option descriptions (e.g., "female") are displayed in the grid instead of the corresponding option IDs (e.g., "2"). If the report is displaying option descriptions, the button will instead read as Show Option Id and can be used to revert to displaying option IDs.
If a report has been downloaded as an Excel file after using the Show Option Desc option, the spreadsheet will download with the option descriptions instead of the option IDs.
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